(7) I felt the bed move

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"I have NOTHING to say to you" Camila said walking off.

Wow. Feisty.

"Excuse me Mr.Constancio" and i went after her.

"Mila whats wrong?!" I ran up to her.

"Austin its just i don't want to talk to my dad..i don't even want to look at him, because it just brings back all the memories and the pain he caused my family!" She said now crying.

" Its ok, look im not going to judge you or your dad..all im going to tell you is this, you're not going to have your dad forever. My dad passed away when i was little..and seeing the relationship you and your dad have is just sad..im not so good at giving advice but i think you should give the man a chance." i said to her.

I hope she really gives her dad a chance..sure he made a pretty dick move but he looks at Camz with an apologetic face.


I opened my eyes and all i saw was my sister ..crying in the corner..at home..she was picking up a razor blade and i could hear her say "Im sorry Alex..this is all my fault, i should've been the one to get hit by the car..not you" and she put the blade on her wrist.

" Cam NO STOP!!" I kept saying and i guess she couldn't hear me. I kept yelling and walking towards her and she just kept getting farther and farther away "Camila!!" i kept yelling. She cut over and over she kept cutting her wrist.

I needed to stop her, but i couldn't.

I need to wake up but i cant control my body, i cant open my real eyes or move.

"Help her, she needs you Alex..you're the only one who can stop this from happening" i heard an echoing voice say to me.

"I cant! I cant move at all!!" I yelled.

"Remember all those memories with your sister, you brother and your mother..remember your smiling beautiful sister. If you really want to go back just remember, try to find a way out so you can go back to your beautiful family.." The voice echoed.

I ran and ran and i found a white door, i opened it and i kept running through there i was getting closer and closer to Camila.


I just nodded at Austin and asked "So do you still wanna go get something to eat?"

"Haha yea come on" he grabbed my hand and we started walking to the cafeteria..again lol.

We ordered chicken strips and two cokes, we sat down and ate until we finished our food.


Its been a week since the incident, and i haven't been to school. Destiny and sometimes Sarah bring me my work from school and they take it back for me. I love how they're always there for me.

When Sarah came to bring me my work she looked at Alex and i saw a tear slipping out of her eye "Aw my poor Alex" she whispered touching his cheek.

"Well i gotta go..see you later?" She said.

"Sure thanks love you" i said back.

"Love you too" she left the room.

Austin came to the hospital to visit.

"Hey" he said walking into the room.

"Hey." I said hugging him.

"Hows he doing?"

"same.." I answered, looking at Alex.

"The doctors don't know when he's going to wake up..its been a week Austin, I'm scared, i really need him.." I said starting to cry.

"Its okay..hopefully he will wake up soon..i know he will." He said hugging me.

We went to go get something from the vending machine.

"Im going back to check on Alex" i spoke up.

"Ok ill wait out here, its really cold in there" he told me.

I walked in and saw my poor Alex still laying there.


I sat down next to him, my dad was at work and my mom went to go get something to eat. So it was just me, Austin and my Alex.

"Hey Alex i don't know if you can hear me or not but i really miss you.."

I put my head on his chest and cried.

I felt the bed move.. or was it me.

"Austin!!" I yelled.

He came in "Whats wrong are you okay?!" He said looking concerned.

"I think i felt him move.." I said to him.

He looked at me and said "Are you sure?"

"YES!" I said still crying..

His hand moved. His legs were moving.

Oh my goodness.


Ahhh omg Alex is going to wake up soon!!!

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