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That night Elena's heart stopped. Sam managed to drive her to the hospital before she passed. The doctors had revived her, but in a coma form.
Now she lay motionless on this hospital bed. Life support hooked up to her.
The doctors say she might never wake up but I have faith. She's my wife, and she would never give up.
We're the Winchesters, and we love through death.

I hold her hand careful not to hurt her pore-saline skin. My mothers ring around her finger. The doctors had to take it off to do X-rays and stuff, but I put it back on her. It's maybe one of the only happier memories from the past year.

"I'm not gonna give up on you Elena. Not ever." I say kissing her hand. I grasp it in both my palms.
"Mr. Winchester." The doctor says from the doorway. "I need to speak with you."

I get up laying Elena's hand back down next to her. I step out into the hallway with the doctor.
"Mr. Winchester you can't be here at the moment we need to run some tests." He says. "Now can you tell us how this happened to your wife?"

"She.. She was attached." I say "thrown against a wall Nearly drained of blood all that."

"And what is your job currency?" The doctor asks as I give off details.
"Author." I say covering.

(Inside Elena's head)

I sit in the back seat of the impala Sam and Dean in the front.
"I can't believe I survived that." I say, breathing deeply.
I can sense the strange silence from up front.

"What?" I ask leaning forward. Sam turns to me.
"Elena your dying." He says calmly. I freeze unable to focus on on the real problem.

"No...no I'm here." I press.

"We're in you head baby." Dean pipes up. "But don't worry you'll get out"

"Not unless she doesn't want to fight." Sam counters. "Elena just let me talk to you about this focus you mind."

"No Elena!" Dean shouts. I'm gone, no longer in the impala i stand on a dirt path through the woods with Sam.

"Why you?" I ask Sam. The trees around us stay still.
"Because I'm the part of you that wants to give up." Sam says touching my arm.
We start to walk side by side.
He explains how I caught the good fight, how I deserve peace.
We come to a long cabin at the end of the trail.
A couple feet away Sam stops me. He smiles face to face.
A knife nip plunges through Sam's stomach.

He drops to the ground motionless revealing Dean.
"Dean, what did you do!" I scream. I know Dean is the part of me who wants to fight.

He Hugs me close.
"You have to fight Elena." He says sternly.
He presses my wedding ring into my palm.

"Dean go...." I say quietly. I see his image fade away into dust. I turn to face the cabin. It's wood new and clean.
I walk up the dirt path my life in my own hands.

(Back to Dean)

I called in any angel out there. There should be quiet a few. I close the trunk to the impala. Turning around a serious man in a suit stands almost directly behind me. An angel.

"Dean Winchester, you will help me." The angel says knocking me to the ground.
I have already sent a different angel up to Elena, names Ezekiel. Cas approves.
I find myself being staged by my jacket collar. A girl angel and the man drag me. I feel the blood dripping down my face and my nose.

They throw me against the wall. "Where is Castiel?" The woman asks grabbing a axe from the fire glass.
"If I knew I would tell you." I smart off. It probably wasn't a good idea considering that they already beat me up.

I get the chance to draw the sigal to repel Angels. I try to stall.
"Tell me this. If heavens closed then where do you go when I do this?" I slam my hand down on the bloody art. A bright light flashed and the Angels are gone.


I open the door to the cabin. It creeks at the hinges. Death stands glazing at the fire.
"Aww Elena, I was expecting you."


I sit in the chair across from death. The green fabric gives out the homie vibe.
"I want this to be permanent. Now won can bring me back, no one can die for me. That If I go.... I can go in peace" I say trying to make an agreement.

"Okay." That was surprising. I don't think he'd agree to this.

"It's always been a dream of mine to take a Winchester." He says. I look down at my shoes knowing I'll be leaving Dean and Sam behind. My sister, Cas people that I love. But I have too I don't think I can fight anymore.

I get up walking towards death. Accepting my future.
"Wait!" I turn seeing Dean. Death nods to me telling me it's ok to talk to him.

"Dean you need to go.." I say holding his cheek.
"I can't Elena not without you." He says his eyes giving the look that can make a person concave.

I gently peck his lips. "I've made my choice." I say backing away.

"Elena, please... There ain't no me if there ain't no you." He says a tear streaking down his cheek.

"Well played my boy." Death says to Dean. I run to Dean kissing his lips. A bright light surrounds us. The cabin around us fades away as the light intensifies.


Ezekiel's vessel sit in the chair. He's inside of Elena, hoping he can get her back.

Elena's eyes shoot open. She coughs and sputters. I prop her up removing her breathing tubes. She gasps for breaths.

"Elena.." I say smiling.

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