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"Let go!" I scream as Dean try's to contain me in his arms. He found me alone in the dark halls where we don't go, again.
   "Lena please I can help." Dean says trying to pull me back to our room. He doesn't understand, it's my fault Tristan is dead.

"Let me go!" I wiggle my way from his arms. I take off running down the hall in till I crash into Sam.
"Elena what the hell?" He says.

"Nothing.... Everything's fine." I say backing away from Sam. I know what Deans thinking, he thinks I'll kill myself. Sam on the other hand thinks I want to throw away my life running away from them the only family I got.

I hear Dean running down the hall, I take off past Sam, I just want to get away from this, all of it.
"Sammy! Where is she?!" Dean asks.

"She took off that way why?" Sam says confused and I reach the point where I can no longer hear their voices, but I can hear there footsteps.

"Elena! Stop please!" Dean yells as I reach a dead end of locked doors. I try pulling them open but they don't budge.

I see Dean round the corner, him trying to reach me.
"Stay away from me," I say pressing against the doors.

"Elena please just...... Listen it's not safe..... He's after you."

"Who?" I snap, edging closer to him, afraid.

"Metatron he has angels looking for you." Dean says coming closer to me. I let him touch my arm, wrapping me in a hug. I take in the Familiar sent of gun powder, worn leather, and cologne.
"I'm s-sorry." I whisper to Dean.

"You don't need to say sorry..... It's not your fault." He smiles kissing me cheek. I see Sam from the corner of my eye smiling. I feel year starting to fall, and a sudden grab pulling the back of my flannel. Dean moves his hand to mine not letting go as the angel flashes away, deans with me.


"Stop this!" Dean yells as the angles push us farther apart. I break from the Angels arms and grasp Dean. The angel holding him pushes me down to the floor.

I land on my face cutting open my lip. Dean wraps his arms around me. The angel at bay.
"Elena are you alright?" He asks wipe info the blood from your lip. I nod takeoff his hand.

"Alright alright that's enough, we've got orders ya know." The Angels stare at us grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me up.  He shoves through a door Dean close behind.

"Elena! Dean! I was expecting you." Metatron says grinning evilly. Dean pulls me into his arms.

"How's little Tristan?" Metatron asks. I searched for words but nothing reached my mind.  Dean saw my hesitation so he said what I couldn't.
   "He's dead, so you might as well let us go."

"No, why would I do that. You two are bargaining chips, do you know how much your life's are worth down in hell." He says amazed.

"So what your gonna hand us over to Crowley?" Dean says getting defensive.
    "Exactly, hell is a very powerful Essenes, but not to worry I won't let you go with out getting roughed up first." Metatron holds up an angel blade.


"Stop!" I scream as Metatron carves into Dean. He hasn't touched me, deans inflicted cuts to his stomach, arm, neck, and cheek.
    "Would you want to take his place?" Metatron says not expecting me to say "yes"

"Elena.... No." Dean breathes out. Metatron twirls his blade smiling. The door opens and a different angel comes in.
   "I think I'll let caceil take over for a while." Metatron says handing the blade over to the dark haired man, his grey suit has blood stains. Heaven has turned to hell.

"Elena Winchester I've heard a lot about you." He says tracing my jaw with the tip of the blade. I struggle against my binds shaking the chair. Dean is strapped down to a table unable to move.
     "Shut Up would you." I say spitting in caceil's face. He laughs sarcastically, sliding the blade down the buttons to my flannel. He pops them open one by one until it hangs loosely on my shoulders.
    "Shall I make this quick?" He asks not giving me time to answer because he cuts down the middle of my stomach. I flinch letting my warm blood slip from the opening. I can hear Dean trying to get loose but fails, the binds are supposed to get tighter the more you struggle.

Mine are turning my wrists purple because I refused to listen. Caceil pulls my sleeve back looking at the scarring from when Demon Dean carved into my.
    "Let me guess, suicide attempt, or maybe a particular demon." He says motioning towards Dean.

"You know for an angel you sure do got a wicked tongue." I say. He smirks, digging the knife tip deep into my palm. I start breathing heavily, so much blood, so much pain.
   "You know for a girl you sure do have a lot of guts." Caceil says. I start to scream as he carves a devils trap my hip. Dean is yelling and kicking trying to get out.

"Let her go! Please just stop hurting her!" He yells. I let a tear fall as Caceil finishes slicing into my sides. More blood spills down my stomach in till it's completely red. It's hard to stay awake but I have to, or else.

I see a spark come from Dean, as Caceil grips his face. I look deeper in till I see electricity sparking through deans mouth as he screams. He shakes uncomfortably.

"Dean! No baby no!" I scream as Dean stops shaking but falls still. He can't be dead! The mark wouldn't let him.
    "Caceil!" Metatron calls, leaving the room with only us.

"Dean. Dean please talk to me!" I yell, not a word. I Tip my chair so it falls toward the rolling cart with knifes and such on it. I reach for a knife by my hand slowly cutting away at the ropes.

I get loose avoiding the tipped cart. I run to Dean touching his cheeks lovingly, wanting him to wake up. I undo the binds holding him to the table.
"Baby please not know." I whisper pulling him upward. I lean him against me, I don't even bother covering myself I just need to find a hospital.

I push through the door, Dean hanging off of me. "Don't worry Dean were almost there.
We're in a suburban neighborhood, not to far from houses. My vision is blurring, a young women is eyeing me across the street.

"Please help...." I say collapsing on to the concrete, Dean falling with me.

"Help..." I whisper as I see the women calling the ambulance above me, I take deans hand in mine before I fall under.

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