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Three mouths ago I found out I was pregnant. Now, I have the baby bump, but I'm still able to hunt cause it's not to big.
We're kinda like the average couple who's expecting.
Dean talks to my stomach and kisses it. Sam's locked up all the alcohol, even from Dean.
I had to sit out on the last hunt, which was a Djin, Emily stayed back and we went shopping. I refused on buying baby clothes yet.

"Lena. Earth to Elena." Emily says from the table in the library. I look up from my sketchbook, that I just bought, too Emily.
"What are you doing?" She asks. I look down at the sketchbook, my drawing of Emily reading stick in my mind.

"I- I was drawing." I say closing it. Emily smiles.
Emily giggles, "8th grade."
Ugh, 8th grade, it was so stupid.

"What happened in 8th grade?" Dean says walking in. He leans down over the couch I'm laying on to kiss my lips.
As we pull away Emily just starts up the retched 8th grade memory.

"Elena was a really good artist, she still is." Emily says as Dean pulls books from the shelf. "Gina Riner, the richest kid in the middle school stole her spiral notebook, with all her art in it. Gina claimed it as her own and when Elena stood up and told the whole school, they started to beat her up. Everyone thought she was a fake."

"That's intense." Dean says. I cover my face with my hands.
I laugh sarcastically at the Thought of Gina Riner and her cliché beating me up.

"It's okay baby, I'm sure you could kick Gina's ass." Dean jokes kissing my head.
"Shut it." I say leaning into him. I smile as the sent of leather and old books. We've been in this bunker too long.
"We have a case?" I whisper so that only Dean can hear.

"Yeah, in Wisconsin. Sam thinks it's a Striga." He says.
"When are we leaving?" I ask, struggling to get up.
"Whoa whoa careful." Dean says helping me up.
"Dean my back hurts that's it." I say.

"Well, your carrying our baby, and I don't want you to get hurt." Dean says walking me down the hall. He's trying to say I shouldn't come, but I have to, I need to its getting kinda boring here.
It's not like I'll be the bait, for the hunt.
"Dean I'm coming okay." I say sternly, picking up a couple of my tank tops from my dresser. Placing jeans and my FBI get up inside the duffel.

"Lena, your pregn-"

"I know but I'm not incapable of hunting!" I say stoping him mid sentence. "I'm going and that's final."

He leans into me, rapping his arms around my waist.
"I love when you get all mad, like that." He whispers kissing my neck. I smile giving into his touch. I turn around facing him, he hands cascading up my mid section, our lips locked.

"Ooo." I say backing away. A little pain came from my stomach. I place my hand on the baby bump rubbing it softly. Dean smiles getting down on his knees leaning in closely to my stomach.

"Just wait little dude, just a while longer." He says, gently kissing the bump.
"What if it's a girl?" I giggle.
"Then I'll love her just as much." He says getting back up.


"Lily, we're not gonna let it hurt you." I say softly hugging the little girl.
She's brave, she just trying to get her little sister back.

Lily's little sister was taken to the hospital cause of hypothermia, but it's just the Striga. It takes kids life force, sends the to the hospital with hypothermia.

Lily has volunteered to be bate, Sam and I don't feel strongly about this but, it's the only way.
Deans in the hospital, we weren't expecting this cause the Striga usually goes for the younger sibling, but it got Dean.
He's in the hospital right now. I can't stay with him cause Sam needs me here. But as soon as we kill the bastard Dean should be fine.

"We're gonna be right outside this door, okay lily?" Sam asks getting down to her level.
"Okay. Can you tuck me in?" She says grabbing my hand. I nod, a nervous smile across my face.

I pull the blue flower covers up over lily, she looks like Emily when she was young.
I smile at her as I gently shut the door.
"Sam I don't like this." I say coming over to the screen that's in the corner of Lily's room. It's pointed directly above, so it can see the whole room.

"I don't like this either, but it's the only way to get all those children and Dean back.... Safe." Sammy says loading silver bullets into his gun. "These kids they're gonna start dying, Dean will start dying."

I take a deep breath. "Okay." I say sitting down to watch when the Striga comes.

<An Hour Later>

"Sam!" I say in a harsh whisper.

"Not yet." He says carefully getting up and silently cocking his gun. The Striga gets closer to lily.
"Go." Sam says.
I rush into the room, foreign off bullets.
Lily roles off the bed crawling underneath, like we planned. Sam comes in behind firing off more bullets. The Striga drops to the ground.

"Lily you can come out now it's safe." I say coming over to her bed.
Sam goes to check on the monster, to see if it's actually dead.
A loud crash, comes from wear Sam is. I quickly jump up, he was thrown against the ground, the Striga right on top of him.

A faint most is starting to leaves Sam's mouth and go into the Striga's. Sam's cheek bones are starting to show through his skin.
I try shooting but my gun is jammed.
"Lily get down." I say as it topple the Striga over getting him off of Sam.

My back on the floor, the Striga and I are face to face. It's white glazed eyes, and plum lips which consumes life. No teeth and the veiny skin.

Gun shoots echo through my ears as the monster falls to the side. I turn my head, Sam is holding the gun in one hand, hugging Lily with the other.

"You Okay!?" Sam asks out of breath and pale.
"Yeah." I breathe. Flipping back on the floor. "I'm fine."

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