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"Dean just wait." Emily says pulling me away from the door.

"What?" I say annoyed I want to see her.

"She just woke up, she's kinda loopy, just a warning." Emily's says afraid that i might snap at her.

I smile "thanks."

I push open the door to Emily's room. Action figures line the shelves, books pulled on the floor.

"Hey baby how you doin?" I ask leaning down next to Elena's side. She holds her hand to her forehead letting out a giggle.

"Stop flirting with me, I married." She says smiling. I take her hand smiling down at her. She must have found the whiskey bottle or something.

"What did ily give you?" I say circling her palm.

"I don't some kind of pain killers....maybe?" She says looking up at me.

"You have very pretty eyes." She says touching my bandaged cheek.

"Hey no peeling the bandage." I say taking her finger tips away. She giggles, I haven't really heard her giggle but it's cute.

"Get some rest." I smile getting up. She doesn't let go of my hand.

"Stay with me." She's not laughing or smiling anymore. She's dead serious but sad and afraid.

"Yeah always." I say sitting down next to her. She leans her head against me.

"Dean... I'm scared." She says wrapping her arm around my stomach.

"I know." I say pecking her forehead.

<4 days later>

Sam stands at the grill in the kitchen. The sent of hamburgers floating through the air. Emily is sipping a beer. Elena and I lean against the back of the door, so no one can see, Kissing.

Her lips soft pressing against mine. I move them down her neck.
"Dean.." She says in a whisper.

"What?" I pull away. She smiles "not here, you idiot."
I chuckle, Emily sticks her head put the door way.

"Okay you two break it up." She says smiling. "Dean get in here."
Emily grabs my arm pulling me into the kitchen.
"I'll just be a minute!" Elena says from outside.

Emily sits me down on the table. She takes off the bandage on my neck.
"It's still deep." She says touching it. I jump at the sudden pain.

I rip open a bandage and put it on my neck. Emily reaches to check the other one but I slap her hand away.

"No." I say getting up from the tables edge. I walk over to Sam who's pressing the burger against the grill.

"Dean, your having eye sex with the burger again." Sam says smiling.
"Shut up.... Shut up!" I spit. Those burgers do look delicious.

Where the hell is Elena? I get out of the kitchen. She's not there.
"Do you guys know where Elena went?" I ask. Emily comes out by my side.

"No." She says. We give each other a trusting look. We split up, she's going to check the bedrooms while I check the main rooms.

She's not in the library or the control room. I give up, maybe Emily's had some luck. I make my way down the long twisting hall.

I come to my room. I can hear Emily from the bathroom. I step in, the lights are dimmed except for the bathroom.
I cautiously step in the door way.
Elena's bent over the toilet throwing up.

"Shhh.. Get it all out, I'm here." Emily's says rubbing her big sisters back.
Elena sputters, letting droplets fall. I can tell she's crying, but with joy or sadness.

Emily furrows her eyebrows looking up to me.
"Elena?" I say breaking the silence.

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