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Elena slept fine, I did not. The thought of a baby, my baby is unbelievable. And the fact that Cas wants to protect it.

"Dean I know your not sleeping." Elena says quietly. She intertwines are hands.
"Get some rest" she says kissing my cheek.

"I can't" I say turning to her. The brown strands of hair hang loose under her ear.

"It's not a real thing yet Dean, everything will be fine." She insists. I smile. Her eyes are full of happiness but also pain. Her sisters coming here today, we have to tell her about Matt.
"It better be." I say leaning in, kissing her lips.

(Elena's Pov)

Emily comes down the steps of the bunker. Her blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail.

"Elena!" She says throwing her arms around me. I haven't seen her in a while.

"Hey Emily." I muster. She squeezes the life out of me.
Sam and Dean walk into the room. She hurriedly jumps off me and hugs them both.

"Comic book writing huh?" Sam asks as he gets outta the hug of death.
"Yeah, I think I've really found my dream job!" She says ecstatic. My little sister always following her dreams. I just hate to make her sad.

"So let me see it." She says to Dean her hand extended. She grabs my wrist pulling me over to her.

"Give me you hand." She says in all seriousness. Dena hesitantly sticks his hand out. Emily grabs it and puts our hands side by side.

"It's beautiful, Sam come here." Emily says wiping a tear. Sam leans over her shoulder.
"It certainly is." He says a sweet smile on his lips.

Emily stares at our rings. Tears fluttering down her cheeks. She breaks away, bear hugging Dean again.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She say squeezing the life from him. He smiles.

"Emily, you don't need to thank me, I love her." Dean says stifling a laugh.

"Dean Winchester, you just don't know when to stop do you." Emily's says, her eyes red and puffy from tears of joy.

She hugs me next. "Love you sis." She whispers. I smile into her long blonde hair.


"So this is your room." I say opening her room. She runs in plops down on the bed. I but her two suit cases on the floor next to her.

I told Emily to pack for at least a month.
"You you bathroom is right through there." I say. "Feel free to decorate."

She jumps to her second suit case pulling out and action figure.

"Matt never let me put my action figures out on display." She says smiling. Oh god I haven't told her yet.

"Is he coming or?" She says turning to me. I hesitate "Emily I need to talk to you."

"Please no bad news I had a horrible ride here." She says placing the figures on the shelves above her bed.

"Umm Dean and I... We finished walking dead." I say trying to act astonished. It's wasn't a lie we had it was a complete shocker.

She turns to me. "Elena I though you were gonna say something big, like your pregnant." She giggles.

"No.. Of course not." I say. I'm not, at least I don't think i am. Cas said it would be soon but.... I don't know.

She takes two old Barbies. The ones dad gave to her. The ones she and Sam spent hours playing with. She gently sets them in the shelf, they hold memory's that she keeps close to her heart.

I never had Barbies, or dolls in general. The first you I got when I was Emily's age was a box full of army men. My mom gave them to me, said she wanted me to be tough.
I loved my mom. She died, and I miss her. I trying not to think about her to much or I will hurt myself.
Deans pulled me over to the Dede side but I'm on the edge.

"Elena? Elena hey?" Emily says waving her hands back and forth in front of my face. The world around me gets dizzy. The room spins out of control. I crash to the ground.

Emily's right down on her knees by my side. "Elena!?" When I don't answer she panics.
"Dean! Dean!" She shouts.

I can see everything, everything that's happening before me. Deans strong arms lift me off of the ground.

He's concerned about this.
"Hold on, okay do me that." He says placing me in a chair. Sam hands him a damp towel.

The cold cloth hits my neck and my forehead.
The warm touch of deans hand against my cheek.
"I know your there baby. Come on." He say determined.

I snap forward. I hear Emily and Sam let out of sigh of relief. I start to panic, grasping Dean for support.

"Deep breaths. Deep breaths." He says kissing my hand. I take a deep breath letting everything out.
"Okay, what happened?" Dean says calmly.

"The room... It was spinning, I couldn't keep...." I hesitate trying to explain this. Dean smiles, "Check." He says quietly.

He helps me up. Walking me too the bathroom.
"Dean, what... What if." I stutter.

"Hey, it might've not be here. It's okay." He says smiling.


"Emily he's dead." I say trying to get this through to her. She crud into her palms.
"No... He's not, he's not dead." She sniffs. She's not taking Matts death that well.

"Emily listen to me." I say crouching down holding her knee. "Mom would want you to move on, so would dad. Emily be strong like I know you are. "

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