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"Elena wake up!" Sam yells shaking me.
I grab his arm, scared to death. I stare at him, my hair a wild mess, I'm covered in sweat. I look around, Dean is now standing next Emily.

"What... What happened." I stutter looking at Sam. He has his puppy dog eyes locked and loaded.
"You took a siesta...... around noon yesterday." Dean says. I turn back to Sam who is gripping my wrist.

I pull his huge hand from me, revealing bloody cuts from my wrist all the way up my arm.

I look back at the three of them, drenched and covered in blood, and cuts. 4 large gashes streak down deans forehead, while his right eye is leaking blood from the socket, his clothes drenched and bearing rips through the fabric showing skin.
  Emily's neck is cut wide open reviling bone and organs. That one cut travels down her torso. Her pants show multiple  bruises.
  Sam, has burns covering his whole body, holes in his skin. Each individual burn has blood seeping from it.

I stare at all of them, wide eyed until I can't bare it any longer. Burying my face in my hands I can hear the familiar flutter of angel wings.
"Cas?" I ask not looking up from my hands. Arms wrap around me and a quiet voice calmly speaks in my ear.
"You can look now Elena."

I look up from my hands, seeing that I'm in a meadow filled with wild flowers.
"Where are we?" I ask looking up at the Angel.
"One of your memories, I believe this is when your mother and father took you out to see the wild grass." Cas says.
I look behind me seeing my mother and father walking as a little me runs through the meadow. This was before she got cancer, before she had Emily.
I look back to Cas, who is examining a bee that landed on his finger.

"Life is kinda like a bee, have you ever noticed that." Cas says letting the bee fly away. "You bring back as much as you can, but it's never enough, and even though you try..... You can never make them happy."
  "Cas, how do I get out of here?" I ask wiping a tears from my eyes.
"Whenever you want to leave, just wish for it." Cas says disappearing. I stare up at where he was standing, damn angles.

(Deans POV)

"Cas what the hell!" I say cupping Elena's face. He just put her under, I don't now why, but I want her back right now!
  "I had to Dean, her hallucinations were getting worse." He says looking back at Elena's unconscious body. "She's safe, in her memory's."
         I lift Elena up in my arms carrying her to our room and gently laying her down on the bed.
Cas follows me in, touching her head.
   "She's been hallucinating." I say calmly looking down at her. Why hasn't she told me.

  "Yes, today she saw you as dead bloody corpses." Cas says backing up a little.
  "Why? Why is this happening?" I stutter enclosing her hand in mine, not wanting to let go.
   "Your child." I look up at him frustration boiling up inside of me. "A shred of Angel Grace remains in the child since he was conceived when Gadreel was possessing her."

"Okay, but the hallucinations, stomach pains, nose bleeds, what does that have to do with anything!?" I shout.
   "It's getting to strong for her to carry."

"Cas, please you gotta help her." I plead standing up so are eyes meet. "I can't live with out her."
He turns to look at Elena with almost a look of disappointment.
"I can take away the hallucinations, if that's what you truly want, but she will be extremely weak." Cas says turning back to me. I nod signifying that "I want him too.
I back away as Cas places his hand gently on Elena's forehead. Cas winces as he uses his stolen Grace. I just don't want to see her in pain anymore, I want her to be happy.

As Cas removes his hand from her forehead, Elena sits straight up gasping for air. I get over to her pulling her into me.
"Shh, just breathe." I say calming her down. I give a thankful smile to Cas, then he's gone.
"Dean- I-Im......"She stutters. I know she's trying to say I'm sorry.
"Baby it's okay, you don't need to apologize." I say. She snuggles into my chest not letting go of me.

I kiss her head gently, not moving and inch. I gently rub her back, as she starts to sniffle.
"Lena what's wrong." I ask, holding her tighter.
"I should have told you." She says crying into my chest, I can feel my shirt getting damp from her tears.
I stay quiet not knowing what to say. I just hold her. I just wrap her in my arms until she drifts to sleep.

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