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A/N: I'm gonna time skip to 8 mouths pregnant for Elena, cause I just really want that baby a part of the story.

(Elena's POV)

I wake up to Dean sleeping on the desk in our room. He hasn't been sleeping with me cause he's scared, he might hurt me. The Mark its doing something too him, one minute he could be his sweet and caring self then another he could be a cold blood killer.

I swing my legs over so they hit the floor. I hold my stomach which has gotten huge, 8 mouths, it's killing me I haven't been able to hunt.
I slowly get up gently hugging Dean from behind. He doesn't wake up, he's exhausted, I had a nightmare and I woke up screaming. He didn't any sleep which is because of me.

"My sleeping Dean." I whisper kissing his cheek. I ruffle his hair and walk off.
Farther down the hall I can smell pancakes, I don't know why but my smelling has gotten really good, probably cause the baby's always hungry, I don't know.

As I enter the kitchen I catch glances of Sam and Emily smiling at each other, like teenagers.
I take a seat at the table, "ahem." I cough getting there attention.
"Oh hey Elena." Sam says quickly. God, I walk in on them making out one time, I have no idea what there situation is.

Emily sets a plate of pancakes down In front of me. Emily and Sam take a seat too but just staring at me.
"What!?" I ask dropping my fork on the plate.

"Oh we're just wondering if you decided on a name yet." Emily's says.
"No, I haven't." I say mockingly. Her and Sam turn to each other smiling, they probably came up with names.

"What!" I say sternly, they just keep staring at me.
"Oh nothing." Emily says looking away.
"Do you have any suggestions?" I sigh. Her face lights up with joy, she pulls out a list from her pocket.
"You made a fucking list!" I shout at her. I bang my head on the table, what is up with my sister.

"Now Sam and I were thinking that maybe you could name him after our dad, or maybe after a certain Winchester." She says etching out a name on the list.
"Why not?" Emily asks. I lift my head up running my hand down my face.
"Cause I'm not having my kid named after dad and be some sad memory every time I look at him, then naming him Dean is just...... No." I say taking a bite of my pancakes.

"Elena, just pick a name we're kinda dying." Sam says taking Emily's side on this.
"Ugh, fine okay...... Tristan Ross Winchester..... I don't know." I say getting up from the table. Emily squeals excitedly. I get to the doorway looking at Sam and Emily, I notice now that there hands are interlocked under the table.

"Sam." I say getting both their attention. "Don't get her pregnant." They smile at me. I get out of that Damn kitchen filled with baby names and young love.

Kind of sickening if you look at it too long, but in a cute way.
I lay down on the sofa, sinking deeper into it. I pull the blanket up over me. I just woke up but I'm still sleepy, just can't wait to have a bundle of happiness running around in my deep hole of sadness that I call a life.

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