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"Dean?" I ask, seeing him leaning against the wall holding his arm. Tristan comes in walking to him, but I grab him holding him back. 
      "Let daddy, have his alone time." I say taking his hand and leading him down the hall to Sam. 
As soon as we get to Sam's room, Tristan runs trying to get on Sam's bed to jump on.
   "Hey little man." He say lifting him up. Sam looks up at me standing in the doorway. I hold onto the wall almost breaking into tears.

He gets up enveloping me in his arms.
    "He's getting worse." I say. Sam nods, rubbing my back.


"Shit," I whisper as the impala comes to a stop. I crammed myself in the back of the impala, without the boys knowing. I hear Dean opening the trunk.
     "Elena, what the hell!" Dean yells grabbing my arms and lifting me out of the trunk.
"Hi" I say nervously, Dean lets me go kind of throwing me to Sam.

"What are you doing here?" Sam whispers pulling me aside.
"I came because I want to help you two." I say.
"He's getting worse, and I dangerous okay, even for you," Sam says making sure Deans won't here is.
"I don't care." I turn getting my things from the trunk. I notice Dean has the first blade, Crowley must be here.

As we start into the hotel, Dean stops us. "You guys look in the basement I'll take the tops, Crowley said he be down there but who knows."
Sam and I head down the basement steps. It's dark and cold, chain link fences hold storage. Sam and I look through old creepy doors.

"Elena do you see anything down here." Sam says pushing past shelves of junk.
"No not really." I say feeling the need to whisper. I look at Sam, deans got the first blade, there upstairs.

Sam and I run up the old steps, to the front desk.
"Hi umm what's the fastest way to the penthouse?" Sam says quickly.
The woman can sense were in panic mode. "Fire well." She says pointing in that direction.
"Thanks," I say taking off. Sam close behind as we head up the steps. I can't believe we bought it, deans up there doing who knows what, Sam tried to fill me in, Abadon is up there now.

"Go I'll catch up" Sam says, as he stops drawing his knife, I look back seeing demons coming up the steps. I hurry reaching the penthouse floor.
I see the large oak door leading inside the room.

I Burst through the doors taking in the situation. Crowley is sitting in the chair bleeding?, Dean held back against a wall the first blade laying on the ground next to him, and the firey red head.
Abadon, turns to me with a wicked grin on her lips.
"Elena!" Dean says sternly. Crowley's just taking in the scene. I find my self thrown against the nearest wall, my head hitting the wall harder than I would have hoped.
The world turns around me as I see Abadon coming face to face with me.
"Elena it's nice to see you again." She says smiling. I'm hazy and I can't make out pictures.

"Dean?" I say turning to the blur that's his tan coat.
"You having a hard time, here let me put you to sleep." Abadon says slamming my head back again.


"Dean?" Elena stutters, I know she's trying to stay conscious. Abadon takes her chin in her hand.
"You having a hard time, here let me put you to sleep." She says slamming Elena's head back again, this time she drops.
"No!" I say trying to break the invisible bond, where's Sam? Why would he let her go alone?

Abadon lets Elena fall to the ground. She turns back to me smiling, I look at Elena and the mess of brown hair that covers her face.
"So where were we?" Abadon says raising her hand again. My insides cringe. I can suddenly feel me feet on the ground, Abadon struggles to stay focused. I pick up the blade, slowly making my way over to her. She confused and gassed, but all I have to do is look at Elena, and all the damage people have inflicted on her, all the hurt she's been through, she gives me the strength to power through this, she's the light that guides me home.

I slide the blade into Abadon's stomach pulling her up into the air. She screams and orang electricity shoots from the wound. Her eyes burst into bright light, she screams I till there's no voice left. I pull the blade from her abdomen, i sling it back bringing it down on her again and again until her blood splatters my face.

"Dean! Stop!" I look up at Sam, he's holding Elena in his arms. I let the blade drop to my side, looking at my hand that's covered in red.
    I felt pure anger, I don't know where it came from but it was there, and I knew I should have checked the trunk before we left, it's my fault that she's hurt, my fault that my own brother is afraid to let her near me.

I don't want this, I'm fine, I'll be fine. I keep telling myself that but it keeps getting worse, every second of everyday worse then the last.

2 hours later

"Sam?" I here her voice. She's awake, I can hear Sam's footsteps.
I scoop Tristan into my arms, little man learned to walk yesterday, and go to my room. I stop in the doorway, Sam's hugging Elena, like when we were just young stupid teenagers in love.

The time I wanted her to love me, I wanted her support, to hear my name on her lips, she called out to Sam.

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