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(Elena's POV)

It's been a couple of days since Dean set off on that night. I don't know where he was going but I don't care. He left, and who knows if he's gonna come back.

I've been ignoring Sam, Emily's the only one I can talk too, besides Cas. She's been getting me through this one step at a time and if that meant Sam had to tag along, so be it.
Castiel's been healing me slowly but surly. A complication has come up though, I still have Angel grace inside me, Grace we could be using to track down Gadreel. But as long as Cas is healing me it starts to fade away.
Today, I've told Cas to try to get the grace out of me, and of course you have to have a special syringe.
Thank god the Men of Letters has basically anything include lore, monster, myth.


"Elena, are you sure?" Cas asks opening the box to the glass syringe.
"Yes." I say leaning my head back on the cold metal table.
Sam and Emily sit next to me watching patiently.
Cas wraps his to fingers around the rope of the syringe. He finds an injection point on the side of my neck. Placing the needle tip to the location.
"This will hurt." He says nervous.

Cas lets the needle sink into my skin. It's like an icy hot knife that's just been plunged through your stomach, I know the feeling.
I tightly grip the edge of the table with white nucleus. As it sinks into the right spot the pain slowly casts away.
I take a deep breath "Cas, keep going." I know he's hesitating.

"Okay." He says. I can feel something be extracted from my body. As it leaves sharp pains start up, coursing. Through my body. Eventually it gets to the point where I'm screaming at the top of my lungs, and surging downward. Emily had to step out, she doesn't have a very strong stomach for these kids things, she never did.
Sam's stayed, even though he knows I hate him at the moment, he stayed.

I glance over at Cas, he's pulling the syringe out of my neck. A glowing light, I could only assume to be Angel grace, lights little of the glass.
I feel sore, and broken. "Cas why'd you stop?" I ask sitting up. I cough into my hand.

He doesn't answer. "Cas do we have enough grace?" I press. He turns around sadness in his eyes.
"No, will need to extract more." He says looking down at the glowing grace.
"Cas?" Sam pipes up.
I need this grace, to find Gadreel. "Castiel what's happening?" I ask. He looks me in the face.
"Your being reduced to your condition when you were doing the trials." He says calmly. Sam and I both stop in our tracks at this.

I place my hand on Cas's shoulder. "I promise I'll be fine." I say trying to reassure him. He smiles a little at my pride.
I lay back down on the metal. I nod to Cas, telling him to start. Ca dative the needle in a different spot. He goes deeper than before I can feel it.

I'm breathing heavily, my Hand searching for something to hold. Sam's huge fingers wrap around my fragile hand.
I glance to him, giving a smile of relief.
"We need to go deeper." Cas says waiting for a no to far or a go on.
"Do it!" I scream through pain. Cas diggs the needle deeper into my neck.

Spots cloud my vision. I can feel Sam and Cas pulling me up to a sitting position.
Cas's warm touch slids across my forehead. The spots in my eyes disappear, I don't feel weak. I glance over at the syringe holding the little amount of grace.
"Did you get enough?" I ask holding my head. They both hesitate, "No." Cas says.

"We're going again." I say trying to lay back down. Sam stops me, this is the first time in 4 days since I actually made eye contact with one of the brothers.
"No, Elena, no." Sam says keeping me sitting up right.
"Why?" I ask sternly turning to Cas.

"Because you would die, and we can't lose you Elena." Cas says. I turn to Sam, he nods.
"What about the an-"

"Please Elena, stop with the Angel" Sam interrupts. "We'll kill that son of a bitch, promise."

Cas takes a wooden bowl, swirling the grace inside. I slap my hand to my mouth feeling something comes home up my throat.
Sam gets me off the table helping me out of the room.
He's rushing me to the kitchen, but I collapse onto the floor of the bunker.
"Elena!" Sam feels my forehead. "Your burning up."

Stomach acid leaks from my mouth. I start choking on it, I can't get any air into my lungs. Sam doesn't know what to do, so he pulls out his phone dialing 911.
"Hello, yeah my friend, she can breathe and she's throwing up, and.. And..." He panics not thinking to get Cas.
"Okay thank you." He says hanging up his phone.

I curl up on my side, coughing and sputtering out blood mixed with vomit. "Hey, someone's coming I promise, your gonna be fine." He picks me up, Carrying me out the door of the bunker.

A siren grows closer, Emily's now freaking out along with Sam.i hold my stomach the aches and pains making spit up on Sam.
Obviously he doesn't care, as he hands me over to the EMTs.

Him and Emily pile into the ambulance, the gurney I'm on is lifted into the ambulance as well. I curled up still coughing and trying to catch my breath. Someone places a mouth piece into my mouth, pumping oxygen into my lungs.

I look up to the roof of the ambulance, the bright lighting blinding me as I fall unconscious.

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