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"Cas?" I say brushing the loose hair from my face. Cas smiles down at me.
  "Hello Elena." He says sitting down next to me. I smile as he touches my forehead, healing my wounds. "I know what you've been doing."

I stay silent as I get up changing into something no covered in blood.
   "You shouldn't be doing this, Elena you know it's wrong." He says coming closer to me.
"Cas just stop." I say shrugging deans old leather jacket on. I try walking past him but he stops me.

"Cas let me go." I demand. He shakes his head. Now I shove my way past but he quickly grabs my wrists and handcuffs them to the desk.
   "Staff here." He says leaving the room.
"Cas! Cas you son of a bitch get back here!!" I yell pulling at the cuffs. I here him coming back, but with Dean.

"Cas what the hell!?" Dean questions as he sees me handcuffed. He quickly comes to my aid picking the lock.
    "Dean listen to me, she's been with demons." Cas says as Dean helps me up.

"Yeah Cas she's a hunter that's what we do."

"No she's been WITH them." He says. Dean turns to me.
  "What's he talking about?" Dean demands. I slowly start backing out the door way.
I suddenly break into a sprint down the hall way of the bunker. I almost crash into Sam as I sprint away.

"Sorry Sammy!" I yell as I reach the door. I slam it shut behind me, jamming a pick into the lock, I've learned to jam doors this way.
   I sprint off down the gravel road, knowing exactly where I'm going.


I gently approach Emily's grave. I found her hear a couple months ago. That's when I first started seeing the demons.... Always for work.... Sometimes for pleasure.

"Hey sis." I say kneeling down running my finger tips over the engraved letters. Rain starts to beat down on me, on deans leather jacket.
   The air grows colder, my breath is visible in the open air.
"I'm sorry Emily... I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you." I cry as feel my hair getting drenched and stuck around my neck.

"Elena! Elena!" I hear Dean call. I quickly hide behinds Emily's stone. I cry silently, why am I doing this.
"Dean..." I whimper just loud enough so he can hear. I cry harder, my sisters grave holding me.

"Dean...." I cry. I'm cold, tired and don't want anything in this world. My family is dead, my friends, the only thing I have left is 3 men who won't let me go.

"Elena.... God your freezing." Dean says touching my cheeks. It's still pouring, the wetness drenching us both, numbing my senses.
Dean helps me to stand, slowly trudging through the muddy grave yard.
"Dean..." I whisper shielding myself from the rain in deans chest.
"I'm right hear baby." He says helping me to the car. I don't say a word after that.


"I sorry..... I just-"

   "Hey it's okay, I forgive you." Dean says quieting me down. "We've all been there hell especially Sam."
I smile lightly, I'm just glad Dean forgave me, I don't think I would have lived with myself. Being in relation to demons, excluding having sex with one.
   I never thought it would come to this, but I need to fight, I can feel it in my gut, way down deep.

"Just rest okay, promise me that." Dean says gently wiping a tear from my eye. I nod, kissing him lightly.
He smiles, For the first time in along time. As soon as he closes that door I start to gather clothes putting them in a duffle bag.
"Cas? I need some answers... So could ya come on over. I here a WHOOSH.

"Elena, your not leaving I hope?" He asks.
"No Cas I'm not leaving, I just need your help."

"What is it?" He asks questionably.
"I know you know where Metatron is....."

"Elena I don't think you know what your getting into. It is a war out there, Demons and Angels." Cas says taking my wrist. I know he hates the fact that I want to go to war with the Angels and or possibly Demons.... They've done less than those Angels have.
"I know Cas but I can get help, other hunters. Cas please....you know how much this means to me, we could wipe out the damn Angels and Demons!" I plead.

He sighs "It's in Springfield, Illinois."

I lean up kissing Cas's cheek "thank you."

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