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The First Blade, was a jawbone of an animal the Cain used to kill his brother Abel.
It's also the only way to get rid of Abbadon, a knight of hell. Dean has the mark now we just need to find the blade.

The mark is not a help at all. Dean's been moody and self absorbed. All he does now a days is research Abbadon and that stupid mark. He's drowned himself in whiskey, broke a couple bottles.
Sam, Emily, and I do the best we can to calm him down but he always has crazy blood lust in his eyes, like he needs to kill.

"Dean are you coming?" I ask placing my hand on his shoulder. I've had stomach pains a lot, also nose bleeds. So I've scheduled I doctors appointment.
"Yeah hold on."  Dean says reading a line from one of the many books scattered across the table. 
"We're gonna be late." I say picking up my purse, I had to dig from the back of the closet.
"Okay, I'm coming." He says slowly comes great over to me. I sigh kissing his cheek. I love him but I'm scared he's still gonna be like this when the baby comes.


"Hello I'm here to see Dr. Yansey." I say to the girl behind the front desk.
"Okay, what's you name?" She asks.
"Elena Winchester." I say calmly holding deans hand.

"Okay, please have a seat he'll be with you shortly." She says. I give a grateful nod.
As Dean and take our seats he pull me close so I can wrest my head against him.
"You scared?" He asks, he's scared I can tell.
"Yes." I say my voice wavering as I rub the now bigger baby bump. He places his hand atop mine.
"Almost 4 mouths now." He says quietly. I smile at that, halfway through this pregnancy business.

"Elena?" Dr. Yansey says. Dean helps me up from the chair.
I walk over to him shaking his hand.
"Dr. Yansey this is my husband Dean Winchester." I say letting Dean wrap his arm around me.

"Ah so this is the father." He smiles shaking Deans hand. "It's nice to meet you, Dean"

"Same here Doc." Dean says. We walk to the back rooms. The one I had last time is the same one we come too.
"So Elena, no sister this time?" Dr. Yansey asks.

"Nope she was running some errands." I say, leaning back into the chair. Dean raises his eyebrows, he didn't know I had already come and neglected to tell him about it.
"So what's your concerns?" Doc asks putting his gloves on.
"Well I've been nosebleeds, is that normal?" I ask lifting my shirt just above my bump.

"Yes actually." He says.
"She also been having stomach pains." Dean adds.

"How often?" Dr. Yansey says calmly.
"Everyday, is that supposed to happen?" Dean asks tightening his grip on my hand.
"Well the pains are regular, but it's the everyday part that's unusual, just make sure your resting yourself most of the day." The Doc says.

"Okay." I say. The cold gel is squirted onto the baby bump, gently being rubbed all over.
The machine shows the baby. I smile at Dean, his face filled with happiness.
"Now the baby is facing the other way, so we can't tell the gender yet." Dr. Yansey says. I just smile as the baby's soft little heart beat comes through the machine.

"Everything seems to be fine, You two can go when your ready." Dr. Yancey says leaving the room.
"I love you." Dean smiles pressing his lips to mine.
"I love you to." I smile kissing him back.


As Dean helps me down the steps of the bunker we're attacked by a giggly Emily.
"Pictures!?" She ask jumping up and down franticly.
"Calm down.... Spaz." I say handing the picture we got from the ultrasound.

"Oh my god..... Oh my god! Sam! Sam!" She screams running off to go show him. Dean smiles at me, pecking my lips.

"Holy Crap!" Sam says loudly, I don't even know where he is but I can here him.
"Dean, I need to sit down, now." I say clutching my stomach. It hurts maybe more than it ever has.

"Lena, what's wrong?" He ask helping me lay Down on the sofa. I breathe deeply, as Dr. Yansey told me to do if this happens.
"It hurts...... So. Much." I muster scrunching my eyes shut.
"Just hold on okay.... Hold on." Dean says. My face is drenched in sweat. I can hear his foot steps run off, he going to get Sam.

"Hey Lena." Sam says taking my hand in his. A cold damp towel is dabbed against my forehead.
"Sam!" I say squeezing his hand.
"Just breathe." He says keeping me calm. The pain slowly fades.

"There.... We go, feel better?" He asks letting go of my hand and touching my forehead.
"What did you do?" I ask looking at him.
"Just a wet towel, trust me.... It works in situations like this." He smiles. "Now just get some sleep."


I stretch my arm, hitting the side of the sofa. Looking around I see a note on the table.

Hey baby, I'm sorry I had to leave, but we found the location of the blade, and you know how much killing Abbadon means to me.
Sam and I will be back real soon, Emily's there, don't worry Sam taught her everything she needs to know.
Love you,
P.S. Check your voicemail!

I set the note back down on the table, picking up my phone.
I dial my voicemail putting it up to my ear.
"Hello Elena, this is Dr. Yansey. The results for the test we ran are in, I'm glad to inform you that you will be having a baby boy, congratulations."

Oh my god. A baby boy! We're having a boy! I'm at a loss for words.
"Hey." Dean says answering the phone.
"We're having a boy!" I yell into the phone.
"I know." I can just see him smiling and laughing. A ruffling noise comes over the phone.

"Did you just say what I think you said?" Sam asks.
".... Yes." I say wiping tears from my cheeks.
"Elena... Tha-" Sam studders. I see the lights in the bunker starting to flicker. What ever it is its effecting the call.

"Elena.... Wha-...... Hey!...... Ele-....." Sam says from the other end its cutting out.
I just end the call, getting up from the sofa I see Emily running towards me with a big canister of salt.
"Dungeon, now." I say hurrying with her.
I slide the doors closed just as Emily finished the salt circle around the Devils trap.

"How long do we have to stay in here?" Emily asks coming back to the wall.
"As long as we have to." The lights flicker on and off, until they go out completely.

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