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"Hey baby......" Dean says as I get to his bed side.
He groans as he starts to wake up. Dean has been asleep in the hospital, but since Sam and I killed the Striga he should be better.
"Did ha kill it?" He asks. I smile wiping a tear from my cheek.
"Yeah." I say quietly. Dean takes my hand "I'm okay Lena."

At that moment the phone rings.
I pick up the hospital phone next to deans bed.
"Hello?" I answer

"Elena! You have too come back. I think someone's inside the bunker." She says panicked.
"Em, get in the dungeon, line it with salt, we'll be there soon."

I say hanging up the phone. Dean already getting back into his regular clothes.
"Emily okay?" He asks shrugging on his plaid shirt then his carhart.
"She thinks there's someone inside the bunker with her." I say, leading Dean out the door way.

"Sam?" Dean asked checking himself out.
"He said he was gonna jack a car and head back so he should be there in a couple hours."
Dean nods taking my hand. We hurry to the impala. We speed off luckily no police are around to pull us over.


"Emily!" I throw open the door, hurrying down the steps. I look back to Dean, his pale skin spreading into a reassuring smile.

I run to the dungeon, opening the shelves to it. Emily's sleeping against the wall, softly snoring.
I take a sigh of relief. She fine, everything's fine.

Dean comes up in the doorway. I fall into him, pressing my cheek against him.
"Sam will be home in a few hours." He whispers.
"Good." I say back.

"It's okay Lena, Emily's fine, I'm fine, Sam's fine, everything is fine." He says quietly.
"I'm just scared Dean." I say shaking my head.

"Why?" He asks engulfing me In his warmth.
"I don't want to lose my family" I say just as a pricing scream comes from behind us. I turn around finding the shells closing from the inside.

Banging comes from the other side, that I could only assume is Emily.
"Emily! Emily!" I yell throwing my fists against it.
"Your sister will be fine. I just need some information." A deep British voice says from the other side. Crowley.

"Let her go you son of a bitch!" I scream as Dean pulls me back. "No! Let me go!" I hit his arms, trying to get lose.
"She gonna be fine, I'm gonna call cad right now." He say soothing me. He sits down against the wall hugging me close.

"Cas...... Listen we need you, and this is urgent..... Emily she's be torchered, we just want he out of their and safe." Dean says quietly. The sounds of Emily yelling rings back to us and I cringe every time it hits my ear drums.


"Dean...." Cas says appearing out of nowhere. I jump up "where the hell have you been!" I demand getting in his face.

"Elena I came as fast as I could, the Angels they need-"

"We need you Cas! Probably more than any other God damn Angels!" I scream.
Dean pulls me back.
"Lena calm down, he's here now." He says placing s hand on my cheek.

"Cas, please." Dean says. Cas turns to the gates and raises his hand. Dean shields my eyes from the blinding blue light.
I here a loud thud. I look up seeing Crowley pull a blade off Emily's skin.
He turns around waving at us. Then disappears. I leave deans arms and run to my little sister. I Lift her from the chair hugging her tightly.

Blood is dried just above her eyebrow, and a single cut on her cheek. Nothing to bad.
"Em, what did he want!?" I ask clutching her in my arms, not wanting to let her go.
"He...wanted to know.... About something called the first blade." She says pacing her breath.

A/N: hey guys!! So I haven't done an authors note in a really long time, cause I personally don't like them that much, but oh well.
So continuing on, I would really like feed back, or just your opinion. I take all into consideration.
Also thank you all so much for reading and staring it, or whatever it's called.

Well, see ya


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