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(Deans Pov)

I hold Elena and she arches her back trying to get air.
"Let her go!" I yell.
"Sweetheart she's already gone." The witch says. I look down at Elena, she's stopped moving, he hands limp, her eyes glassy, and skin cold.
"No. NO!" I yell clutching her limp body to me. Sam. Where's Sam!
"Where's my brother?" I ask through tears.
"Dead." She says calmly pulling out a cigarette. Not like this, not now. I hold Elena's head letting her hair get tangled on my hands.
"Please... Bring them back." I whimper crying against Elena's body.
"I can but I need a favor." She says.

"Anything." I say looking up at her. Her blonde hair, curling at the ends. Her sliming black dress giving her the dangerous vibe.
"I need you to help me with a spell, it conjures the fear, bravery, and kindness of a person." She says. I look down at Elena, not knowing if she would want me too do this, but if roles were reversed I know she would do this for me.
"Alright." I say calmly gently placing Elena's body on the ground. Her eyes closed, hands resting on her abdomen.

"Fantastic." The witch clasps her hands together. "I'm Fiona by the way."
"Dean." I sigh standing up. She smiles taking my hand and pulling me into what looks to be an infirmary. "This is where your dear brother and Wife will be, you will be in here." Fiona points to an opening that leads to a smaller room.

"Don't worry Sweets you'll be fine." She says carefully shackling my right ankle. I stay quiet. Through the doorway I can see Sam's body being pulled, his skin covered in bumps each one oozing. Next I can see Elena's body being carried, her high tops dangling and her hand hanging limp. I feel my heart lurch.

"They'll be fine, see." She says. I can here Sam's gasps.
"What about her?" I ask.
"When your finished." Fiona says calmly stepping on her cigarette. I look up at her she blows powder in my face. It goes into my mouth burning my insides.
I hit the floor, Fiona punched me.


I find my self in the bunker. It's quiet. "Sam! Emily! Elena!" I shout into the bunker hoping for a response. Nothing.
I notice red in the library, not the normal red the blood red. I wander in looking at the books toppled on the floor. I peer around the corner of a bookshelf to see blood staining the floor.
I look up to see a sword stabbed right through Sam's throat. I stumble backwards at the sight. Blood running down his neck all the way to the floor. I can't see my little brother like this.

I here a high pitched scream from deeper in the bunker. I run towards the scream. As I grow closer I see a blur of brown hair runs out of the dungeon.

I get the doorway of the dungeon. Know wonder I saw Elena run away. Emily is hanging from a rope.
"Emily......" I say trying to overcome the fact that two people I love are dead.

I run trying to find Elena. When I reach the nursery I find her sprawled on the ground crying.
"Elena...." I start. But she quickly starts backing away from me.
"Get away from me! Please! Don't touch me!" She says getting up and backing against the wall.
"Elena it's me." I insist walk closer to her.
"Bullshit it that fucking Mark." She says. I grab her arm pulling her closer to me.
"Let me go!" Elena say pulling away from me.
"Elena what's wrong?" I ask just wanting to hold her right now.
"You killed them! Your own brother, you slid that sword through him like it was nothing!"

"W-what?" I stutter not believed get my ears.
"And Emily, my sister! You hung her! She was the only family I had left!" Elena screams, I freeze did I really do this? What have I become? I here Elena sniffle. "Tristan... You killed you own son."

"No.... No no no." I say running my hands through my hair. I grab Elena pulling her into me and wrapping her in my arms. She struggles to get loose, until I feel warm liquid run down my hand.

I pull back seeing Elena's bloody T-Shirt. Her eyes staring up at me, becoming glassy.
"Dean....." She says quietly holding her hands to her chest. She falls to the floor dead. I stay put unable to process what I've done. I've killed my family.


    "Stop! Please!" A female voice screams. I hold my gun out around the corner making sure there were no demons. There being none I make my way deeper into the old shipping house.

I'm determined to save this girl. Whoever she may be. I peer into small windows looking for the shrieks of pain and terror. Finally I see a girl, tied to a chair, a demon sharpening his weapons. Her blonde hair is stuck together with blood.

I kick the door down, entering the room. Emily? Emily looks up at me scared for her life.
     "Dean!" She screams. I slowly turn around to 15 demons awaiting for me.
"Shit." I mutter. I draw my blade diving into the mess of demons.


"Can someone please spare a dollar?" A little girl says. She's dirty and tiered. She homeless and no one will spare a buck.
    "Mister... Please" she begs. I smile kneeling down next to her.
"What's your name?"

"Judith." She says quietly.
       "Well Judith, how about I take you out to dinner and then we get you some new clothes." I say smiling. She lights up with joy.
"Yes.... Yes please." She says taking my hand. I don't mind the dirt on her hands I just want her to be safe and not have to live in filth and starve.


I wake up gasping for breath. I can hear Sammy yelling. He's alive, but Elena?
Fiona walks through the doorway with the key to the shackle.
     "Here." She says handing me the key. I quickly undo it as Fiona takes some of my blood.
"What the hell!"

"I need it, that's how I get the spell." Fiona says helping me up. I hurriedly past Fiona over to Elena's body.
      "Dean!" Sam says, I ignore him holding Elena's cheeks
"Bring her back!" I demand turning to Fiona.
"Relax lover boy." She says comic over to Elena's body. She leans down over Elena's lips gently blowing into them.
"Dean! What the hell!?" Sam shouts.
"Sammy shut up!"

Fiona pulls away finishing her spell. Elena shoots up gasping for breath and holding her neck.
Her skin paler than normal, and her eyes red and tiered. She's panicking to find someone.
"Hey, I got you." I say taking her arms.
"Did- did I die?" She says starring my in the face.
"Yes you did." Fiona answers for me. She struts over tilting Elena's head up. "No signs, that's good." She says letting Elena snuggle into me. Fiona flicks her wrist letting Sam walk free.
     "Dean, get me outta here." Elena whispers into my chest.
"Alright... Alright come on." I say lifting her up into my arms. I know she's scared, she died that scares people.
     "Umm where do you think your going." Fiona says.
"Out of here I helped you now let us go." I demand. Fiona smiles down at the ground, dropping her hand downwards, causing me to drop Elena. Her back slams against the floor causing her to moan in pain.  

Sam gets to her side, pulling her up. She leans on him trying to find her gun.
     "Dean get over here." Fiona says, against my will I trudge over. She takes my hand and starts pulling me away from Sam and Elena. I can't do anything, this isn't what I signed up for.
     "Hey, Witch Bitch!" Elena's voice rings out. Fiona turns around fury in her eyes.
    "What are you going to do girl!?" She says.
   "This." Elena pulls out my pistol, firing of bullets straight into Fiona's chest.
Fiona drops to the ground blood covering her abdomen. I look over to Elena who's basically hanging off of Sam.
      "I call shotgun." She says smiling a bit.

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