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(Deans pov)

The room is cold. The gunshots have stopped. I lift my head up looking around the room.

A demon, vampire, and a angel?, stand before me. What the hell is an angel doing here.

"I thought the god squad was up In heaven?" I muster. He angel kicks me in the stomach.

The vamp closes its eyes. "She's still in the room with the other Winchester." He says. How the hell did a vamp do that?

"The angel gave me some mojo." He smirks. I push my self up, only to be shoved back down.

"Dean Winchester, the famous hunter. We've been looking for you." The demon says leaning down next to me.

Her red scarlet hair brushing up against my neck as she Leans closer.
Her red lips brushing up against my ear.

"Ryder. Not now." The angel says.
She gets up, walking out of the room dragging the vamp behind her. The door slams, the lock clicking.

"Your a lucky man Winchester." The angel says pacing back and forth.

"How so?" I groan.

He stops in front of me. "Your future." He says.

A crash against the door makes me jump. Scarlet red hair is slammed against the small window. It drops just as sudden revealing Sam.
He jiggles the Handel it refuses to open.

"You son of a bitch." Elena says and angel blade in her hand. How'd she get in here?
The angel turns around graving her wrist just before she can slam the blade into him.

He turns her wrist in a 360. The blade falls to the ground with a clank.
She screams in pain. He takes his chance.
He throws her against the wall. She slips down to the ground next to me.

Sam frantically bangs against the door.

"Elena hey." I say trying to gain her attention. She's hazy.
"Dean... My..." She struggles for words, out of breath.

"Shhh" the angel says holding her cheek. "You'll hurt the baby."
Baby? She gazes at him confusion crossing her face.

"Baby?" I say. Taking Elena's hand. The lights start flickering. The one above us gives out in a explosion of sparks.
Elena stares at me in the darkness. Tears staining her face.

"I suggest you step away from them Bartholomew." A deep voice says. Castiel. I can't she much but I can here the angel blades clashing together.

The bright light erupting from an angel. Sam burst through the door, light flooding in. I stare at cas, who I guess got some grace. Sam helps Elena up.

"Cas, what does he mean?" I say motioning to the Angels body. Cas turns his head gazing at Elena.

"She's is to have your child." Cas says.

That strikes Sam's attention. "When? Not now?" He asks at full attention. He wants to avoid any thing to do with Ezekiel possessing Elena.

"No, but soon. Your child will become an unborn being" Cas says taking my shoulder.

"Cas.. Don't say it like that" I say awkwardly. I realize that there has to be a catch.

Sam and Elena head out to the main area of the prison.
"Cas.. What's the catch?" I ask knowing he understands.

"Angels and demons want this child Dean, it is said that the child of exceptional hunters will be known to conquer." Cas says hesitant.

I hear Elena scream. Cas and I run out to them. Elena hug Sam her eyes squeezed shut. Body's of humans and monsters lay lifeless. Blood spilled, and at they're feet lay a very familiar face.

Matt, Emily's husband. I didn't know he was a hunter, but judging by the hardware he gas in his hand says he was.

His eyes are burnt out. Blood trickling down from his empty sockets.
Emily, she probably doesn't even know.

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