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(Elena's POV)

So that mark is a gift from Cain, which is so great since we have enough on our plate. But I guess the mark can kill off abandon, which I guess is a plus, I'm just worried what the mark will do to Dean.
I've done my research and let's just say it's very violent.

I should be sleeping but I can't, instead I'm sitting on the bed doodling away in a notebook. It's midnight, Emily's sleeping and that I know of Sam is too. Dean on the other hand is probably drinking his problems away with whiskey and porn.
I just want him next to me.

As I scribble the pencil across the paper. As I set the pencil down On the night stand I take in my finished work. The rim of the impala, has a tint that I fix right off the bad.
As I brush my finger tips over the lines I hear the sound of breaking glass.

I run down the hall, colliding with Sam.
"What's going on!?" He asks panicked.
Emily's and Sam were asleep, and I was in my room, so it had to be Dean.
"Dean!" I say quickly rushing into the main area of the bunker.

I can make out the broken glass on the floor in the library. I pass the control boards and maps, heading into the library.
I see Dean huddled over on the floor only holding himself up from the wall.
"Dean, baby what's wrong?" I ask kneeling down next to him. I rest my arm on his shoulders pulling him into me.
His hand rests on his face, he's been crying. I rub his arm, kissing his cheek.
"Dean...." I say quietly, as Sam stops at the edge of the library in his pajamas.
"Our baby..... There gonna take it." Dean sobs.

"Dean what are you talking about?" I ask looking up at Sam. He stares at his brother, he's probably never seen him break down like this before. This is only the second time he's done this.

"Angels.... Demons there coming for our baby." He stutters. I wave Sam off telling him he can go back to bed.
I reach touching deans forearm, he flinches holding it with his right hand. I touched the mark, it's a piece of shit that mark.

"Shhh.. Nothing's going to happen to our baby Dean, nothing." I say rubbing his arm. I sit there with him, the glass whiskey bottle still in pieces across the library.

<next day>

Ever since deans breakdown last night I've been thing of What he said.
Angels...... Demons.... What could they possibly want with our kid?

I got Dean to bed last night, but it didn't really help. He woke up about 3 this morning to a nightmare. He's been out of it the last couple days, and every time I try to comfort him it makes everything worse.

Dean sits upright on our bed, while i have buried my face in my pillow trying to get some extra sleep. He digs through pointless research on Abadon, nothing we don't already know.
"Baby, lay down with me, please?" I ask readjusting myself to look at Dean.

"I can't I have to do research." He says flipping the paper thin page. I reach out touching his arm. He takes my hand kissing the top of my palm. He gets up flicking the light off. "Get some sleep." He says closing the door.
I fall on my back, the mattress giving a smooth support.
I run my hand down my stomach, I rise and I fall. I club myself from the bed, bursting through the door quickly trying to find Dean.

"Dean! Dea-!" I bump right into him.
"What's wrong?" He asks In a panicked tone. I just smile, taking his hand. I place it on my stomach, smiling he looks up at me.
I have a tiny little baby bump, barely even visible.
Dean grabs me cheek pulling me into a long kiss. His soft lips curving around my own.
He pulls me into him wrapping his arms right around my body. It's the happiest I've really ever seen him.

He doesn't let go, squeezing me tighter. "Crushing baby." I muster. He releases me for a second before he drags me off. We end up in our room, the soft guitar strums of slow rock coming from deans cassette player.

My cheek pressed against Deans chest. His arms enclosing me in his body. His chin resting gently on my forehead.
"Love you baby." He whispers into my hair. I feel a tear sloping be down my cheek, the salty taste hitting my lips.
"Love you too." I whisper holding my hand up against him.

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