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(Deans pov)

Yesterday Cas came to check on Elena. Her eyes started bleeding. Unfortunately it's because of Zeke possessing her. Cas says her body is on the bridge of exploding and that she no longer needs him to keep her alive.
I thought that was a relief, my wife doesn't have to be possessed anymore that's great, I was wrong.

When Cas said this Zeke woke up. He expelled Cas to who knows where, and Kevin.... Kevin was in the bunker today when Zeke took control. That son of a bitch burned Kevin's eyes out, killing Him. That was tuff, but Zeke wasn't going to give Elena up.
He said she was gone, in the process of this catastrophe Emily suffered minor head damage, and Sam has a fractured wrist.

I called Cas and we pulled Crowley from the basement. We tracked down the impala, she's in South Dakota.


I push open the door, Sam and Cas trailing behind me. The house is dark and quiet, too quiet.
I get to the living room when I spot a pair of legs sticking out from behind the chair.
"Guys." I whisper motioning them in. I look over the chair. A mans lifeless body lay still, his throat slit and a stab wound to his abdomen.

A crash comes from behind, Sam crashes back into the other room, the door slams shut locking Sam out.
I whip around, Elena stood before me arm outstretched. Her attention finally draws to me.

"Why must you do this Dean." The angel says using her voice.
"You killed my friend and took my wife..." I said angrily.

"I let you live."
I pull out my angel blade, not wanting to hurt Elena but I really didn't have a choice. "Well you shouldn't have."
I throw a punch the Angel blade still in my hand.

Elena catches my fist, I drop the blade to the ground. The Angel throws me back against a book shelf causing piles of books to topple onto me. I mange to look up just as Emily and Cas punch Elena smack in the face. She toppled down to the ground unconscious. Wow that knocked out an angel, wow.


I strapped Elena into this chair. It had Angel warding on it and everything. The leather latches on her wrists and ankles. I don't want to do this but Cas has a plan.
As I buckle the last on I lean up pulling her hair back from her forehead. I gently kiss her forehead, resting mine against hers. "Your gonna be fine, I promise." I whisper even though I know she can't here me.

"Dean.... She'll be okay." Sam says. I leave her side, walking straight into a hug with my brother. Crowley sits in shackles. He sneers at me and Sam "oh a love story... Peachy."

Cas appears in This old building, he took Emily home, she didn't want to see this. To be honest I don't either but when we get her back I wanted to be here.
Cas place ships hand on her heart.
"She is well enough I can heal her." Cas says looking over to me. "Dean...I"
He's interrupted by Elena's soft groans. Her eyes slowly open glancing around the room.

Cas and I both stop in front over Elena. She perks up, the Angel still in control.
"Who are you?" Cas says pressing.

"Why would I tell you." She smirks pulling at the leather around her wrists.
"Tell or I'm gonna have to start carvin into ya." I say pulling out my angel blade to show the Angel.
"You wouldn't want to harm this vessel would you Dean?" She says. This is to much, now restarting to something else.
"Plan B." I say turning to Crowley. Sam stops me. "Dean no-"

"It's are only option." I snap. Crowley stands up needles in his hand.
"I can rip her apart!" Ezekiel, or whoever he is, screams. I try to block out Elena but it's painful.
"Well isn't that pleasant." Crowley says placing the needle on the middle of her forehead. He digs it into her skull, she screams. Blood trickles down the side of her nose to her lips.

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