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I walk out of my prom early, I don't have a date, my friends are all drunk from when someone spiked the punch. Plus people kept starring at me for having a short dress. I just bought a plain black one and cut it short.

"How's life treating ya?" A voice says from beside me. I look over to Dean, he's wearing a nice jacket with his hair combed over
"Dean!" I yell throwing him into a hug. He squeezes me tight.
    "Hey." He says letting me go. "Where you going the proms not over?"

    "It's not even your prom, dip shit." I say hitting him as we walk to the impala. "But my friends are drunk and no date, so what are you doing here?"

"We're in town, case of werewolf's I think, not quite sure." He says.
"So fun." I laugh. Dean takes my hand dragging me to his dad's Impala. "I want to show you something."

I hop into the passenger side, as Dean takes off.
"Won't your dad get upset when he finds out you took his car?" I say kind of nervous for Dean, I know John hurts him.
"Yeah but, he won't be home till late, it's all worth it seeing my best friend." He says screeching to a stop. He pulls me out leading me down a trail.
"I'm in heels let me timing you." I say laughing. We reach a campsite, with only a burn pit.

"A campsite?"
"Not just a campsite, a beautiful view." Dean points up through the trees where you have a perfect view of the stars.
"Wow." I say, I see Dean taking his jacket off, pulling out his lighter.

"What the hell are you doing?" I say.
"Burning, the weight on my shoulders." He says lighting the jacket on fire and tossing it into the fire pit. It must have been his dad's, and the weight on his shoulders must mean all the pressure he puts on him. I hug Dean, he smiles.

"Give my that lighter." I say taking it from his hands. I take off my moms cover, that was on my shoulders. I light it up dropping it on top of Johns.
"She on your ass too?"


"So this is where your staying." I say looking at the motel. The outside doors and the many inside rooms on the many other floors.
"Yep, room 5." He says pointing. I look over seeing Sam looking out the window at us. I wave, he just smiles.
"It's nice." I say standing in front of the impala.

"Yeah Elena, I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time now.... But my dad he's just..."
"You don't have to say anything." I chuckle, knowing what's he's talking about. It's just in the way he acts around me.
I press my lips to his, he moves his hands to my cheeks holding them. I'm leaning back on the hood of the impala, with Dean in his black shirt over me. He pulls back smiling, "I think I love you." He says kissing me again.

"Dean Winchester." A stern fatherly voice says. We pull apart standing up, looking at John.
"Shit, run." Dean says, we take off into the motel our hands interlocked. I smile as my hair blows from the wind we make from running. I can hear John come inside after Us.

We're both laughing our asses off, cause we know this might be the last time we see each other again.
"Dean go!" I say laughing. Dean smiles back at me.
"I'm going I'm going." He says pulling me along, since I'm a horrible runner in heels.

I look back just now seeing John coming after us.
"This way." I say changing directions, we turn a sharp corner. I drop the heels so I'm barefoot.
"Go this way, I'll meet you in the kitchen." He says kissing me before he takes off down the hall at the left.

"Dean!" I hear John shout. I hardly doubt theirs anyone in here but maybe a few souls.
I take off down the right hall, Running. I can hear Dean shouting trying to get people's attention, especially his fathers. I reach two giant doors going to the kitchen I guess. 'In the kitchen', I push through the giant doors. Surprisingly there's people working cooking things at 11:50 at night.

It's hard to here as I past people cooking, they shout at me but I completely ignore it looking for Dean.
"Dean!" I shout stoping in the middle of all the bustle.
Hands touch my shoulders, I scream, turning around coming face to face with Dean.
"Go! He's right behind us!" He shouts so I can hear him. I nod taking off out the giant doors. They lead to steps probably to the second floor.

We run up the steps Dean leading cause he's obviously roamed this motel.
We break through the doors. we reach and overhang corner, that we wall hug.
"I think we lost him." Dean says catching his breath. We turn to each other suddenly bursting into laughter.

"Dean! Elena!" John says, we here his footsteps coming down the hall. we start to run towards the exit, but my hand catches. I turn seeing John has my wrist.
"Dean!" I shout, he turns around seeing me trying to pull myself out of this jam.
He quickly comes to my side trying to get me out as well. When we finally get my wrist free, were on the floor. His grip was tight and wasn't going to let go easily.

We're toppled on the floor, Dean holding me as I grip my wrist.
"Dad.. I... Uhh..." Dean struggles for words knowing what's going to happen.
"Get up boy." John demands. Dean hesitates until John grabs me pulling me up, then Dean shoots up.
"Don't hurt her dad, please." He says. John grabs my wrist again pulling me behind him. Dean follows, ashamed.

We reach there room, as I get inside, John lets go almost throwing me at the wall. Sam's sitting at the desk, honestly looking scared out of his mind.
John points to the bed, Dean sits next to me holding my hand.

I look at him not wanting to let him get hurt. Johns on the phone now probably with my mother.
I watch Sam as he looks sorry for Dean and I.
"Not only did you take my car, but you disobeyed me!" He shouts at Dean.
"Dad I..."
"Sir if it's any consolation, it's my fau-" I start, but Dean covers my mouth with his hand. The beatings must have gotten worse since I was away.

John grabs Dean pulling him up from the bed. I don't want to let go of him but his hands are slick and can't be griped.

I close me eyes as I see Dean being thrown to the floor. I feel Sammy hug me, I just wrap my arm around him smoothing his hair down.
     I watch as Dean gets punched and kicked, to afraid to do anything. He gets kicked in the stomach again, he groans. John starts taking off his belt.

I let go of Sammy and get to Dean before the belt can even think about hitting him.
    "Stop!" I yell holding Dean's head in my lap. John looks at me with anger in his eyes, he's a drunk who beats his kids and Is full of rage.
I look down at Dean who can't form words but is mouthing 'no'.
He's about to bring it down on both of us when there's a knock at the door. I smile slightly at Dean with his black eye and bloody nose.
      My mother slowly walks into The room, she glances down at me, holding Dean in my arms. She smiles sadly, knowing that I love him.
     "Elena, come on let's go." She says waiting for me. I look back to Dean his eyes pleading me not to go.
    "I'm sorry" I say kissing his lips, I gently comb through his hair with my fingers one last time.
   "I love you." I whisper in his ear, before he grabs my cheek pulling me into a long passionate kiss.
He smiles at me, I peck his forehead as I get up walking to my mother.

She hugs me close as we leave the Winchesters. I start to cry into her shoulder, she smooths my hair down.
"You'll see him again, I promise." She says leading me to the car.
I didn't see him for the next three years.


My prom night floods back into me as i grip the lighter. All the pain and love I felt that night, all from one man. I feel tears come down my cheeks.
      "Elena what's wrong!?" Dean says running to me.
"Nothing..... Dip shit." I say pressing he lighter into his hand. He smiles kissing my lips.

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