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"I'm going." I say sternly. I haven't been hunting in ages and I don't want to get rusty even though I probably already am.
    "Lena, baby, you need to stay with Tristan." Dean presses. He still thinks it's best if I stay with Emily and Tristan.
     "It's just a stupid witch, I think I'll be fine."
Dean sighs, taking my hands. "I just don't want you to get hurt."
      "I won't."

"Fine just... Be careful." Dean says letting me go. I smile, as Tristan crawls across the bunker floor. I don't know why but he's growing extremely quick.
      "Hey buddy." Dean says picking him off the ground. "Mom and I are gonna head out for a couple of days, ya gonna be alright with auntie Emily?"
Tristan smiles, giggling and trying to climb out of deans grasp. Instead he's prying deans shirt collar away from his neck.
       "I'll take that as a yes." Dean jokes putting him back down to explore.
    "Have you notice he's been growing really fast?" I ask. Dean hesitates, "no... Not at all." He starts to walk out to the impala.

"What's going on?" I ask grasping his arm.
   "He's got Angel Grace inside of him, Cas says he may grow faster because of it."
      "And you didn't tell me!" I say.
  "No! Because you were in pain and I didn't want to put anymore pressure on you!" Dean shouts. I notice his arm shaking.
     "Dean..." I reach out touching his arm, but he triggers and grabs both of mine. He's looking off not making eye contact. His grip tightens on my arms, sending pain shooting through my arms. I don't scream or yell or anything, I just calmly try to reach him.
    "Baby..... It's okay" I say gently. He finally looks at me his eyes sad, he lets me go backing up a bit.
      "Dean it's okay." I say edging closer to him. He holds his arm tightly against his chest. The Mark is doing something to him, he tenses up, his arm shakes violently.
      "No... Stop... I don't want to hurt you." He says backing away. "Not like last night..... Not ever." Last night he couldn't control himself, it was simply a nightmare that he couldn't stop. He gripped my wrist so tight that he made cuts with his nails and black and blue grip marks. I screamed in pain and I learned that's not the way to handle this, you need a soft hand.

      "Dean that wast your fault." I say finally taking his arm from the cradle he's made.
I gently pull his sleeve up reviling The Mark. I run my fingers over it, he flinches, finally I place my whole entire hand over it. "It's not there... Okay it's not there." This usually works, but not now.
     Dean violently pulls it back. "Stop please." He says, walking out the door to the impala.
       "You okay?" Emily says standing In the doorway with Tristan in her arms.
"Yeah fine." I say following Dean out. I trust Emily to take care of my little Prince.


"Lena can you hand me that." Sam says ushering towards a book. I pick it up, giving it to him.
    As I'm walking back Sam grabs my wrist pulling me back. Now he's up examining my arms.
"What happened?" He says putting pressure on the purpley bruise.
    "Nothing" I say trying to pull away.

"Nothing happened." I shrug my plaid shirt up over my shoulder. Sam gives my the puppy dog eyes.
      "Fine!..... Yesterday before we left, I to help Dean, he was hurting, he just grabbed me and wouldn't let go." I say ashamed.
    "Elena is he..."
"No, no it's not his fault, it's... It's The Mark." I say holding my self. It's not Dean... It's what's on him, that stupid Mark is horrible and Sam and I are doing everything to try to find a way to get it off of him.

    "Let me see." Sam says, caring deeply about my health. I take off my plaid so I'm in my tank top. Both arms are bruised, not to bad but there noticeable.
Sam looks at them carefully. Suddenly the door to the hotel opens, Dean stomping in.
     "What's going on here." He says hints of anger in his voices. I quickly stand up, walking over to him.
"Dean, Sam's just looking at my bruises, nothing's happening." I say touching his shoulders.
   "Are you sure?" He questions looking at his brother.
"Yes." I say. He notices the worry In my eyes, so he loosens the rains.
    "I'm sorry.... I don't know what-"
"It's okay Dean." Sam says interrupting him.
I place my hand up against his cheek, looking at his eyes. They say everything. He's scared of himself, and what he might do.
   "Your fine." I say leaning into him. A small smile creeps up on his lips as he wraps me in his arms.


"So the Witch, is just hiding in plain sight?" I ask, as I sip my beer.
    "Yeah she lives on south wrightman street, 224." Sam says closing his laptop. 
    "Well let's go then." Dean says getting his stuff packed in a duffel. Sam and I glance at each other.
"Ummm okay?" Sam says questionably getting up to pack.

"Right now?" I ask Dean.
   "Yeah why not, sooner we get This over with Sooner we can get back to Tristan." He says loading the duffel Into the Impala.
I sigh getting in the back as he starts the car.

We drive to 224 South Wrightman St. The house is big and vast, this witch knows how to live in style I'll give her that. Sam quietly picks the lock and we sneak inside.

Once we get in its surprisingly nice, but we can hear footsteps coming from upstairs. Dean quickly pulls me into a shady corner. Sam's all the way over on the other side of the house somewhere.
The clacking of heels on hard wood make there way down the steps.

"Ve Tulem Ve Talies" the female voice says into the empty room. I can feel my stomach lurch, i can feel the hard floor underneath my hands.
   Deans right on the ground next to me. I start to cough, and cough, until blood trickles out to of my mouth.
I glance over at Dean who's laying on his side choking on his own vomit.

The Witches heels suddenly appear in front of my face. "I knew I had visitors" I fall over to my side, I slowly reach my hand out to my gun. She places her heel on my hand crunching my fingers. I scream, curling it up into a fist and bringing it to my chest.
I'm still coughing but now there's a small puddle of my blood. Dean holding his throat, he can't get air to his lungs.

"Oh relax lover boy." The witch flicks her hand and deans no longer choking, but where's Sam.
I can no longer feel air reaching my lungs.
  "Elena!" Dean says as he makes his way over to me. I flinch, trying to gasp for air.
"Let her go!" Dean yells at the witch.

      "Sweetheart, she's already gone."

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