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I wake up in the middle of a garden. Others socializing, dressed in suits, probably Angels. Weird I thought for sure I would end up in hell, but a small feeling wanted to go to heaven.
   "Excuse me? Can someone help me?" I ask, but they all continue socializing and working.
I glance around more until I see a familiar trench coat.
  "Cas!" I say running towards him. I embrace him in a hug, god I've missed him.
"Elena what are you doing here?" Castiel asks pulling back from me. I stay silent. "No Elena, you can not be dead!"
I nod my head ashamed, because knowing Cas he probably found out that I killed myself.
  "A bullet through you scull." He whispers touching the back of my head as I hug him again this time tears staining his trench.
"Cas I'm sorry... I just couldn't live without him." I say, he rubs my back helping my to calm down.
  "I'm sure you would like to see Dean."
Cas takes my hand, "let me show you around first."


"Here is the heaven of Gorge Martin, he died of a heart attach but always did love the vast swamps of Georgia." Cas pulls me through a beautiful mossy swap. Peoples heavens are so beautiful.
  I saw Marilyn Monroe's heaven show business, flashing lights, and love.
"Cas what's your favorite?" I ask. He smiles beaming us to another place.

The heavy light fades away revealing a nice house. It's blue siding in tact and the sun shining. I glance in the window seeing a happy couple hugging. The kind of hug when you haven't seen someone in forever.
"Cas whose heaven is this?" I turn to Cas he's looking through the window slightly smiling.
"Jimmy Novak's."


"Here you are." Cas says stoping at a crystal white door with a silver plate on it that reads my name.
"Am I ever going to see you again Cas?" I ask smiling at him.
"Of course." He smiles back at me as I open the door. I turn back one last time taking in the cleanliness of heaven. The door closes behind me.
   I'm in my old house, "hello?"
I hear bustling from the kitchen then my parents come out.
"Oh Elena dear we haven't seen you in forever." My mother says embracing me.
"We're so sorry, you shouldn't have been put through that pain, Sam and Chris should know better." My dad says hugging me next.
"You know about that..." I start.

"Elena!" Emily Rams into me hugging the living day lights out of me. "I've missed you sis!"
"Me too" I say into her hair. "Why are we in mom and dads house?"

"It's not mom and dads house anymore." Emily says with a smirk. I stare at her confused but when I hear the happiest little boys screams and little foot steps running down the stairs, I know what's happening.
Tristan runs from the steps. "Mommy!"
  He collides with my legs hugging them. I hug him tight letting nothing but love radiate off of me.
"Tristan I've missed you so much." I whisper.
"I've missed you too mommy."

"Tris! Come on we're going to see Cas!" I look up seeing deans back to me packing a little backpack full of snacks.
"Mommy!!" Tristan squeals running towards Dean. Dean just smiles bending down ruffling Tristan's hair.
"Mom's not here little dude." He says getting up. Emily's silently laughing.
   Dean turns around meeting my eyes. He drops Tristan's "Thomas the train" backpack.
"Elena..." He says in shock.
I smile running at him, he catches me in his arms. I kiss his lips slowly, I love him. Dean pulls away resting his forehead on mine, smiling and pulling my close.
"Please tell me you didn't." He whispers.
"I'm sorry." I whimper tears starting to break.
"Shhh I got you, your okay now." He says soothing me. I smile a little taking in his familiar sent, the one I have missed so much.


"Tristan lunch!" I yell placing his Peanut Butter and Banana sandwich on the table. He comes running, plopping down at the table and devouring it.
It's sad how he's never going to grow up, never going to be able to graduate high school, or go to college, but he's me boy and I love him.
I lean down kissing his head as Dean enters the kitchen. We've been living here, in heaven. Castiel visits when he's not with Sam. My parents and Emily left to go back to their own heavens, but Dean, Tristan, and I all share one. I'm actually happy, happier than I might have ever been. I'm living with Dean and my little boy, in my childhood home.
  Dean wraps his arms around me kissing my cheek. "I love you," he whispers.
I just smile kissing him. I'm home.

A/N: so it's over personally I loved writing these stories, they were a lot of fun but the next one I'll be working on is called Together Or Not At All. The cover may have Sam on it but I'm not sure if it will be a Sam story, probably not, he's just an important character.
But yeah I hope you guys read my next story.

You guys are awesome,

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