Little sister save big sister

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After Ginny left I got back to my sketch of Astra, I plan to wait up until Hermione is back, I have trouble falling asleep when she is out. I like to know that she comes back safely.

I am nearly done with my sketch when I hear a thump outside the door, I rush out in the corridor and Hermione is on the floor, I kneel by her side, her face is covered in blood and her clothes are torn to threads. Her eyes are closed, my heart is beating like crazy, like it's about to beat its way out of my chest. I gently lay a finger under her nose, to feel if she is breathing. Luckily, she is. Suddenly she opens her eyes, her brown eyes are nearly black, her mouth opens slightly as if she wants to speak.

After what seems like forever the words "I'm okay" leave her mouth, her voice is soft and almost inaudible, but it makes me a little calmer. She tries to sit up, I can see her struggle so I help her, after a lot of struggle I get her to standing, she leans on me so I carry all her weight, with slow but steady steps we get into the room, I lay her on the bed, then I leave to go get her some water, I hurry down to the homeroom to grab some water, on the way back I grab some Band-Aids and a damp cloth.

Hermione is still laying on the bed, I arrange the pillows to give her as much support as possible, she tries to sit up again, she nearly does it herself but I help her a little. She leans on the pillows and I give her the water, I use the damp cloth to wipe the blood off her face. The blood is flowing from a wound on her forehead, I put gentle pressure on the wound. After all the blood from her face is gone, I move on to the wounds on her body. I take off her ripped shirt to her to see all the wounds, her arms and upper body is covered with wounds that look like they came from thorns, I take the cloth again and rinse all the wounds, I put Band-Aids on the biggest ones, I do the same with her legs, they are not as bad as her arms. After rinsing all the wounds I go to her closet and find her pyjamas, while looking for her pyjamas I hear her voice, this time it's clear and sounds normal: "Harlow" a short break: "Thank you" I turn around to Hermione sitting up by herself, I go back to the bed and lay the pyjamas on the bed, I sit beside Hermione, she leans in to hug me, I hug her back. After a long hug she says: "Thank you so much" I look at her and say: "I'm just glad you're okay" I hug her one more time, Hermione slowly pulls away from the hug saying: "Thanks to you, I'm okay" I smile and get up from her bed: "We better get some sleep"

Hermione: "You're right, tomorrow there is another day"

We get ready for bed, I'm glad Hermione is okay, I don't know what I would have done without her, I don't need to know what happened, not right now anyway, I'm sure Hermione will tell my eventually.


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