New years eve

15 1 0

Thursday December 31st

I wake up the next day around two pm still cuddling with Ginny, I have never slept so well, Ginny is also awake, so I ask: "How long have you been awake?"

Ginny: "Not that long, I didn't want to wake you"
"Well thanks, did you sleep well?"
Ginny: "I did, how about you?"
"I've never slept better"
Ginny: "And no wired dreams"
"No wired dreams, I didn't dream at all actually"
Ginny: "Well that's good"
"It really is"
Ginny: "Lets get some breakfast I'm starving"
We go downstairs and the kitchen is empty, I don't even hear any voices so I ask: "Where is everybody?"
Ginny: "I don't know, maybe they are outside"
"Maybe, but seven people can't just disappear"
Ginny: "No right, its wired, they will probably be back, lets have some breakfast"
"Okay, you are right they will be back"
Ginny: "Do you want eggs for breakfast?"
"Sure, that's sounds nice"
Ginny nods and starts to cook.


After Ginny is done cooking she sets a plate in front of me and then sits down beside me, we start to eat and then I ask: "What will you say to Harry today?"
Ginny: "I was thinking we could tell him together that we are dating?"
"But are we? We haven't been on a real date"
Ginny: "That is true, but I am in love with you and you are in love with me, so aren't we dating?"
"I wouldn't call it that, Sebastian and I were dating and then we became a couple"
Ginny: "But you have to break up with him then"
"Yeah you are right I have to"
Ginny: "Well then we both have to break up with our boyfriends"
"Yeah, its going to be awkward"
Ginny: "It truly will be"


After we are done eating we set the plates in the sink, and then Hermione, Ron and Harry steps into the room and as soon as Hermione sees me she runs straight to me and hugs me and says: "I am so glad that you are okay, did everything go well"
"Yeah it did, we got the pages"
Hermione: "That's great"
"Where were you, we woke up to an empty house"
Hermione: "We were picking someone up"
Hermione: "Go look"
She points outside and I am very confused, I don't know that many people and most of them is already here, I walk outside and there just in front of me is Sebastian, in my mind I am thinking: "Shit, shit, shit what is he doing here, I have to break up with him" but on the other hand I'm thinking: "Is it Xavier again or is it really Sebastian" so I walk up to him hugging him, and hoping for the best and saying: "Sebastian, I'm so happy to see you, how is your sister?"
Sebastian: "I'm happy to see you too, my sister, she's not getting better, so I just wanted to tell you, I'm not coming back to Hogwarts I'm coming back on the 10th to pack the last of my stuff and say goodbye to everyone"
"I'm sorry"
Sebastian: "Its okay, its not your fault"
"I know, but will you be staying here for the day?"
Sebastian: "No I'm only here for a few hours and then I have to go back home"
"Okay, I understand"
Sebastian: "Thank you"


We go back inside and Ginny looks shocked when Sebastian steps into the room, she goes over to hug him and after a short hug we all sit down on the couch, Ginny and I next to each other, Harry on Ginny's right and Sebastian on my left, Hermione and Ron sits down on another couch, and we just start talking, and after a while I look over to Hermione and says: "Hermione, can we talk for a sec?"
Hermione: "Yeah sure"
We stand up and goes to the kitchen and she asks: "What's up, did something happen?"
"Something happened on our quest"
Hermione: "Something bad?"
"Kind of, it was what I had hoped would happen but it also means that I have to hurt someone"
Hermione: "Who do you have to hurt? And how?"
"I have to hurt Sebastian, by breaking up with him"
Hermione: "Did the ghost in the book tell you that?"
"No, Ginny and I," I pause, because I don't know how to say it so I lean in to Hermione ear and whisper: "Ginny and I kissed"
Hermione's eyes widen and she says surprised: "Really, that's amazing"
"It is, but it means that I have to hurt Sebastian and Ginny has to hurt Harry"
Hermione: "Harry will be fine, he did realize that the relationship weren't going to well"
"He did?"
Hermione: "Yeah, but Sebastian, I don't think he can handle a relationship either right now, but I don't know for sure"
"But will he be sad"
Hermione: "He will but he would be more sad if you were cheating on him"
"Which I basically were"
Hermione: "Things change, and so does people"
"You are right, I'm going to do it today"
Hermione: "Good"

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