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Monday December 28th 

The next morning, we wake up to the sunflowers smashing against the tent cloth I go outside and nearly fly way. I get back in and say: "Ginny, we are not flying in this weather, we need to stay here for a while, until the storm subsides"
Ginny: "Good idea, then lets eat a sandwich and just get comfy"
After hours the storm finally subsides just a little and we can back up: "Its still to dangerous to fly, I think we'll have to walk for today"
Ginny: "Okay, then we'll walk"
We pack up the tent and tie our brooms to our backpacks and then we walk through the sunflower field.
"What do you think the others are doing right now?" Ginny asks suddenly
Ginny: "Hermione, Ron and Harry"
"I don't know, Hermione was planning to go to your house for the weekend, she just had to make sure our parents were alright"
Ginny: "What is their profession again?"
"They are dentists"
Ginny: "What does that mean"
"They tend to people's teeth"
Ginny: "Ahh okay, is that dangerous?"
"No not at all, my father got bitten once by a kid but nothing worse than that"
Ginny: "Okay"
"Yeah, how's it going with Harry and you?"
Ginny: "I don't know, he's very distant lately I feel like he's not into me anymore"
"How can you even think that? Of course he's into you"
Ginny: "I'm not even sure, if I have feelings for him anymore"
My heart skip a beat, did she say what I think she said?
"How come?"
Ginny: "I just have this new a little wired feeling when I'm around a particular person, but that person already has a boyfriend, so I have no chance"

"I think you should give it a shot with the lucky person"
I hope that she's talking about me
Ginny: "I talked with Hermione about it too, and she said the same thing, you are really sisters"
"What does that mean"
Ginny: "Nothing bad, just that you are pretty much alike in some ways, but totally different in other ways"
"You know I hate being compared with Hermione"
Ginny: "Harlow, I didn't mean it I'm sorry"
We keep walking side by side, I can feel Ginny's looking at me, but I ignore her, that one thing I hate the most, and she just did it, just like everyone else. I know she did not mean anything bad with it. But it still hurts being compared with your older smarter sister.
After not talking for a long time, I cant handle the silence anymore so I say: "I'm sorry" But at the same time Ginny says: "I'm sorry" We start laughing, because we said the same, at the exact same time. After we are done laughing Ginny says: "I didn't mean it like that, you are not Hermione, you are you, and I love you just as you are"
"Aww, Ginny, I love you too"
We hug and just as the hug is done, I look around and I see the sunflower field is ending. Ginny sees it too and we start running and we run out of the sunflower field and on to the most beautiful field. Filled with different coloured roses. And the storm has subsided, and we can start flying. We fly up and it feels great to feel the wind play with your hair, and just feel free again, Astra looks like she is having fun too, she flies up and then ducks down just as fast, doing twists and flips, that I taught her when she was little. I can hear Ginny's laugh. Just looking at Astra. And then she says: "Did you teach her that?"
"Yeah, I was playing with our dog one morning and this tiny owl was sitting on a tree-branch all alone, and Hermione and I had taught our dog to do flips off our chest. And then this owl did the same thing just in the air. So I started teaching it with a command, and now she does it all by herself"
Ginny: "So you never bought Astra"
"No, she found me, and from that day, she was always sitting at that exact branch, so I started giving her food and water. And when it was time to go to Hogwarts, she was pretty much like a pet."
Ginny: "Impressive, I thought you bought her in Diagonally like Harry did"
"No but I let people think that"
Ginny: "I get that"
I look beneath us and I see how many different coloured roses there are, purple, pink, red, white
Ginny: "My favourite flower is roses"
"Mine too, I most like the red or the whites"
Ginny: "I'm more to the purple"
"They are also pretty"
At the end of the rose field we land and get ready for the night. Suddenly I hear barking, and four big wolf dogs comes running towards us. Ginny flinches by their barking, when the dogs are fully visible I feel a transformation coming, I feel brave, and I want to protect Ginny, I transform into a wolf. I start running towards the wolf dogs, they were still a bit bigger than me, but I knew I was stronger, the wolfdogs doesn't barge, they just show teeth and keep running towards me, on of them runs directly at Ginny, I cut him off by first showing teeth and he just snaps at me, so I bite his front paw, the other wolf dogs has come to fight, but I howl and the wolf dogs, I growl at them and then its three against one, I start by taking one of them down my again biting a paw, I don't do it hard enough to hurt him but just enough to get scared of me, the other two are a lot harder, they both jump on me and start biting, they bite my front paw, and it hurts as hell but the adrenalin takes over and I don't feel the pain as much. I bite both the wolf dogs hard and they run off whining. I run back to Ginny and return to human again, Ginny looks shocked at me and says: "What were those?"
"They were wolf dogs and aggressive ones"
Ginny: "Did they hurt you?"
"Nah, its nothing"
Ginny: "Let me see your hand"
She takes my hand, and it hurts so bad, she take out her wand and says: "Episkey"
My hand feels a lot better and I say: "Thank you, but you didn't have to do that"
Ginny: "It was a dog bite, it could make you sick"
"You are right"
Ginny: "Maybe we have to find a new place to stay?"
"No, I don't think that would be necessary, I think they are scared of me now"
Ginny: "Maybe you are right, but I think we should head on early tomorrow"
"Then we do that, now lets get some sleep"
Ginny nods and we set up the tent, and I go in just after Ginny, but first I pluck a purple rose and break off the most of the end, I go into the tent with the rose behind my back and Ginny laughs: "What are you hiding behind your back?"
"nothing" I blush and sit down beside her
Ginny: "Come on, show me"
I laugh with her, and somehow she got me laid down on my stomach and she takes the rose from me, and places it behind her ear. "Don't I look pretty" She says, still laughing, "You always do" I look at her perfectly formed lips and wishes that she would kiss me. I shake the feeling off and say: "Lets get some sleep"
Ginny: "Yeah, good idea"
She sounds disappointed, I think nothing of it. I'm nearly asleep when I feel something touching my lips, I recognize the feeling immediately. Ginny kissed me, Ginny Weasley kissed me, I feel a smile form on my lips, I don't want to open my eyes, because Ginny thinks I'm asleep, but I feel happiness in my body and I want to kiss her again. But I don't, I can hear Ginny lay down and her breath getting more and more heaving from every inhale. Not long after I hear her slight snore, I think its adorable. 


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