Transfirguration class

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Monday January 11th

McGonagall is talking with a student as we walk in and take our seats at the front McGonagall starts the class my saying: "So we are going over the basics today, but first I want to hear what you've done over the break, lets start with Mr. Evergreen shall we"
Mathew Evergreen, a short, blond Slytherin with glasses looks up confused and stutters: "M-me?"
McGonagall: "Yes and then we take a round so everyone will have their turn"
Mathew: "I-I was h-home with m-my f-family and p-played with my siblings"
McGonagall: "Good, now Mr Malfoy"
And then it was Ginny's turn: "I was with Harlow, Harry and Hermione and my family over the break"
McGonagall: "Sounds fun, maybe miss Granger can tell us what you did?"
I don't know if I should tell about my adventure with Ginny, so I decide to talk about new years eve: "Uhm, yeah, it was pretty chill, except new year's, where Fred and George could have blown the house up with a huge rocket filled with fireworks"
McGonagall: "That's typical, you can't have a quiet afternoon with them around" She laughs a little, and she is right, there is always something blowing up. The rest of the class is just the same and after everyone has told what they did over the break and then McGonagall says: "Just to end this with some knowledge, who can tell me the answer to this: in the first class this year, the cauldron was sporting with what strange feature?"
I know the answer immediately I quickly remember that it was cat ears that the strange feature was, so I raise my hand and McGonagall takes me as I'm the only one with my hand raised: "Yes miss granger, do you remember what it was?"
"Yes professor it was cat ears"
McGonagall: "Correct, 10 points to Gryffindor, now class dismissed"
I wish Hermione could see me now, I'm not afraid to raise my hand, and I know the answer most of the time, I know this was the only question asked and I was the only one who could answer it, and it wasn't difficult, on the way to next and last class for the day which is care for magical creatures Ginny asks: "How did you remember that? That was in September, and we are in January"
"I drew it in class, and I remember what I draw"
Ginny: "So what does that mean?"
"It means that if I wanted to I could make an exact replica of the painting I gave you without seeing it again"
Ginny: "Really?"
"Yeah, most of my drawings or sketches of the school or Astra is from memory"
Ginny: "Incredible, now last class, what are you thinking after school?"
"I don't know, do you have any plans?"
Ginny: "Maybe I'll think of something"
"You do that"

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