The Cherry-blossom-tree

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Tuesday December 29th

We wake up early the next morning to get on with the journey as fast as possible. I am so tired I couldn't fall asleep last night; my mind kept me up for hours, thinking about who Ginny might like that already has a boyfriend. I hate that she talked with Hermione about it before me, but I'm sure she has her reasons. We fly for a few hours and then under us the most beautiful field filled with tulips and lilies appears and Ginny says: "Isn't this the field we should pick flowers from?"
"Yeah the ghost said we should pick five of each, and then find the cherry-blossom-tree"
Ginny: "Okay, then let's get plucking"
"I have to do one thing first"
Ginny: "And what is that?"
"You'll see"
I smirk, and Ginny looks really confused. We land at the edge of the field, Ginny puts down her bag and stretches, I guess her body is sore from sleeping on the ground for so many days, mine is too, so I get it, I put my bag down too and Astra lands on my shoulder, I shortly pet her and the Ginny turns to me and says: "What is it you want to do?"
I take a few steps forward so I stand directly in front of Ginny and says: "This"
I take her hand, look deep into her eyes, glances shortly at her lips and then leans in, I feel her perfect lips touch mine, I am so relieved when Ginny kisses back, I take my free hand and get Ginny's hair out of her face and deepen the kiss. Her lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own. I could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath my nose, fingers carding through her hair as we breathed each other in. Everything around us has disappeared and its just us in this moment, everything is perfect. One last quick kiss and then our lips release each other, It feels so cold after, but we have to pick the flowers and get to the cherry-blossom tree. My hand lets go of the grip in Ginny's hair, and she looks at me stunned, in my mind I beg her to say something, her cheeks are red, and she is blushing, I feel that I am too, I look down and pick up a white lily and Ginny says quietly: "I've wanted to do that myself all week"
She thinks I didn't hear her, I get up and say: "I had the feeling after last night"
Ginny: "You were awake"
"Yeah, I was, but I loved it, I was thinking about kissing you"
Ginny: "Really, how long have you been feeling this way?"
"Way to long, I think I've had feelings for you since our practise kiss"
Ginny: "I have to confess something"
"I know, it wasn't for practise, I know you kissed Harry in the room of requirement"
Ginny: "Did Hermione tell you?"
"She did, but if it wasn't for practise, then what was it"
I've wondered that since Hermione told me Ginny and Harry had kissed in the room of requirement after the quidditch game.
Ginny: "This is a little awkward, after the kiss with Harry I didn't really feel anything, and I always thought about you, so I was thinking I might have a crush on you, and after our "Practise kiss" I realised that I had strong feelings for you"
"I have been debating with myself for so long if I should tell you about my feelings"
Ginny: "But what about Sebastian?"
"I don't even know if he returns to Hogwarts,
Ginny: "And what if he does?"
"Then I'll tell him the truth, he'll be heartbroken but he needs to know"
Ginny: "Okay, but what if he doesn't come back to Hogwarts, how will you tell him?"
"I don't know yet, but I'll figure out something"
Ginny: "Okay, but know we need to pick flowers"
"Okay, I'll pick the lilies and you pick the tulips"
Ginny: "Good plan"
I am still holding the lily from earlier so I pick four more and Ginny picks five tulips, we tie them together and then we hop on our brooms again, we fly high up to spot the cherry-blossom-tree as quick as possible, it doesn't take long before we see the most gorgeous cherry-blossom-tree, already blossomed, with the most beautiful pink flowers. We fly down to tree and land just at the bottom and I say: "Finally we are here"
Ginny: "Yes, finally, now we just have to find the handprints"
We go around the tree to find the handprint that is supposed to be here at the bottom, after a while of searching we see a vase digged down in a hole and I say: "Maybe we should place the flowers there for the handprints to appear"
Ginny: "It can't hurt to try right"
"I guess not"
Ginny: "Then try to place them"
I place the five lilies and the five tulips in the vase and immediately a handprint appears just above the vase and Ginny exclaims: "It worked, yes"
"Yes, now to find the one at the top"
Ginny: "I'll fly up and look"
Ginny flies up on her broom and not long after she yells down to me: "Here, its under these branches"
"Okay, come on down"
And Ginny flies down to me.
"We have to coordinate before we just place our hands"
Ginny: "Yes, it seems to be two right hands"
"Yes, I will take the top print and you'll take the bottom"
Ginny: "Deal"
"Great, I'll fly up there and then we count down from three, and on now, we both place our hands on the handprint"
Ginny: "Sounds like a plan, now get up there"
I mount my broom and Ginny says: "Wait, just a second"
Ginny: "Come here"
I laugh: "What is it"
Ginny: "Just come here"
I fly over to her, and rest my foot on the ground and Ginny leans in and kisses me, I want to stay like this forever, but no one can stay in a kiss forever, this was just a quick kiss and then Ginny says: "now, get up there"
"Yes, I will"
I can't help but laughing, while flying up, I reach the handprint and find it behind some small branches, and Ginny yells from the ground: "Did you find it?"
"Yes I did" I yell back
Ginny: "Are you ready?"
Ginny: "Then Three, two, one, now"
"Three, two, one, now"
We count down in unison and on "now" we place our hands on the handprints, and the handprints light up and an opening appears, and in that opening are laying five pages, I reach for them and fly down to Ginny
Ginny: "Did you get the pages, nothing happened down here"
I have hidden the pages behind my back so I say: "No nothing happened for me either"
Ginny: "Oh, so this was a waste of time?"
"I wouldn't call it a waste of time"
I wave the pages in front of her face and she says a little annoyed: "You sneaky little liar, you have the pages"
"Yeah I have"
We both laugh,
I take the book from my bag and place the pages in the middle and then the ghost appears: "You've come this far, congrats"
"Can you tell us anything more?"
Ghost: "You'll need to find two more pages, but they are at Hogwarts"
Ginny: "Then we can get them after break"
Ghost: "Yes, but I have to tell you something first"
"And what is that"
Ghost: "You are cursed, maybe by a jealous fellow student"
Ginny: "Who could that be?"
"I don't know, its so few students that know me, so why would anyone be jealous of me"
Ghost: "The questions what, but who, you can't continue your journey without knowing who did i"
Ginny: "Then we will find clues and figure out who cursed you"
"Good idea, we have to trace everything back to the beginning of my dreams"
Ginny: "Yes but not here"
"Then where"
Ginny: "My house, I'm sure we can be there in a few days
"Let's hope, I'm dying to sleep in a real bed"
Ginny: "Me too"
"But should we go back to Hogwarts and then to your house? Or what would be the easiest?
Ginny: "I think we should head back to a forest, and then create a fireplace, and then we can use floo powder to get home quicker"
"Do you have floo powder on you?"
Ginny: "Yes, in my bag"
"That's great, then let's head to the forest"
We both mount our brooms and head off towards the forest
After many hours of flying its getting dark and Ginny says: "We should land for the night"
"Good idea, but we are not as far as I hoped"
Ginny: "I know, but if we get a good night's sleep we can fly even further tomorrow"
"Okay, then lets camp"
We land and I realize that we are in the middle of the rose field, and there are thorns everywhere, we find a spot with not as many thorns and then set up the tent.
We both lay on our backs and then I turn to Ginny: "What about Harry?"
Ginny: "Yeah what about him?"
"When are you going to tell him, he will probably be at your house with Hermione and Ron"
Ginny: "Bloody hell, you are right, I need to tell him, but how?"
"I don't know, tell him the truth"
Ginny: "But he finally fell in love with me, and now I'm ruining it"
"You are not ruining anything, it just wasn't right between you two"
Ginny: "Maybe, but no-one thinks so"
"I know Hermione does, she saw that it wasn't real and that I had feelings for you, even before I even knew myself"
Ginny: "You talked about me with Hermione"
"Well sometimes, but I never said your name, she figured out that I didn't fancy Sebastian like I thought I did"
Ginny: "She has a sense of romance doesn't she"
"Well sometimes"
Ginny: "Well, no-one can be correct every time"
"That's right, but she tries"
Ginny: "Yeah she does"
"But are you going to tell Harry the truth?"
Ginny: "Yeah I am, I need to"
"Good, because this is a good thing, I can feel it"
Ginny: "I can too, I am going to tell him if he is at my house"
"Which he most likely will be"
Ginny: "Yep, now lets get some sleep, we need to be up early tomorrow"
"Goodnight then"
Ginny: "Night"

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