The quest begins.

16 1 0

Saturday December 26th

Winter break is started and Ginny and I are packing the last stuff to our quest, we have told the school that we are going home, but only Hermione, Harry and Ron knows the truth.
Hermione: "Are you all set?"
"I think we are, thank you"
Hermione: "Please be safe, and send an owl if you need anything"
"I will, and if we are back before the 10th of January I'll be at the Weasleys"
Hermione: "Good, I will go home and tell mom and dad, that you are at Ginny's over break"
"Good, I don't need them to worry"
Hermione: "Just please stay safe, I don't want you to get hurt"
"I won't"
There is a knock on the door, Hermione yells: "Come on in" and Ginny enters the room with her backpack. "Are you ready?" She says, "Yeah I'm ready" I give Hermione one last tight hug, she almost didn't let go of me: "Hermione, let go, we'll be fine"
Hermione: "I know, but please..."
"Stay safe, I know, you said it twice already"
Hermione hugs Ginny too and then we are out the door. Astra is sitting on my shoulder, on the way out of school we meet Professor McGonagall: "Hello girls, going home for the break?"
Ginny: "Yeah, Harlow is going with me home"
Professor McGonagall: "Well you girls have fun then"
We get outside and on our brooms and then we fly over the castle and first when we are in the air Ginny says: "Are you sure we can do this"
"Yeah, I'm sure we have each other"
Ginny: "If you are sure, then I'm sure too, we have each other"
"I wouldn't do this without you Ginny, I'm glad that you're the one doing it with me"
Ginny: "I just want to help you"
"And you are"
Ginny smiles and we keep flying until we hit a forest: "It's getting dark, should we land in the forest?" says Ginny.
"I don't know, how long is the forest"
Ginny: "Long, I can't see the edge anywhere on either side"
"Then I think we have to land"
Ginny: "There, a opening, let's land there"
She point to an opening in the woods, where it's just a big light circle surrounded by trees.
"That looks like a safe spot, well spotted Ginny"
Ginny: "Thank you"
We land in the opening and I pull out a tent from my beaded bag, that I borrowed from Hermione, she put an undetectable extension charm on the bag so we can fit everything we need into the bag. I set up the tent and pull out two sleeping bags. "Ginny can you find wood, so we can make a fire"
Ginny: "Was already on it"
Ginny places the firewood in a pile surrounded by stones, I point my wand at the fireplace and say: "Incendio" and the fire lights up. We sit down and I pull some sandwiches from my bag. Ginny looks disgusted at the sandwiches and says: "Is this Hagrid's stoat sandwiches?"
I can't help but laugh: "Don't worry, these are ham and cheese sandwiches, I also have, peanut butter and jelly, and turkey"
Ginny: "Nah that's okay, just glad it isn't stoat"
"They will never be, they are disgusting"
Ginny: "They totally are"
We eat and then we go to bed. Just before going to sleep, I take out a notebook that I brought to write down what has happened during the day I use "Lumos" to make my wand a flashlight and then I write: "The quest begins; Today we came far away from the school, nowhere near the tree, but we are right now camped in an opening in the middle of a forest, with Ginny by my side, I know we can do anything, and we will find the tree and we will solve the mystery."
I close the notebook and then turn around to see that Ginny is already passed out sleeping. I just want to kiss her, but it would be wired if I did. I just turn around and fall asleep.


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