Bad dreams?

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Sunday November 4th

I'm being chased by a big black wolf, I'm running through the forbidden forest, the wet branches hitting me in the face. I feel something running down my face, at first I think its sweat so I just wipe it off and keep running, I'm turning shortly to see where the wolf is but I trip over a tree stump and fall into a big dark hole I fall for what feels like forever and as I'm hitting the ground with a thump, I'm back in my bed, Hermione is by my side, but something is off, I can't point it out, but then realize. Her eyes, her eyes are white, her pupils are completely gone and the white has filled up. She looks at me in an uncomfortable way, I try to get away but out of nowhere a thousand creatures appear, while pushing myself backwards trying to get away, I spot Ginny she's running towards me, her eyes are still blue, I get up and fight all the creatures to get to Ginny, as I hug her, a knife gets stabbed through my back. As the knife gets pulled out, I push myself from Ginny, only to see the bloody knife in her hand and her eyes has turned white. As I try to run away all the creatures attack me and their voices echoes in my mind: "Give up, you're not worth it, no one loves you, you will always be the dumb little sister, you are stupid, Hermione is better than you."

All the voices are Hermione's, I feel the blood on my skin, my shirt is drenched in sweat and blood. I stumble over something, and I hit the ground again, I can't see the creatures, I must have outrun them, I try to feel for something to identify where I am, but my hand lands on something warm and soft, I pick it up to see what it is. The darkness makes it hard to see, but when I feel the wings and the beak, I know its Astra. The darkness creeps upon me and I see the creatures slowly appearing again, my heart breaks in a thousand pieces and I scream and all of a sudden, the creatures disappear. I'm alone in the dark, with Astra laying in my lap. I hug her tight not wanting to let go of her, but she vanishes, and Ginny and Hermione appear. They are both holding chains, I am so weak, I have no energy to fight so I let them tie me up against a wall, the only thing I feel is the chains cutting in to my wrists. The voices appear again: "Give up, you're not worth it, no one loves you, you will always be the dumb little sister, you are stupid, Hermione is better than you." This time I scream at the top of my lungs: "JUST STOP"

I sit up abruptly in my bed, drenched in cold sweat. Hermione is by my side, this time her eyes are gentle and worried, she's holding my hand and says: "Are you okay, I couldn't wake you"

"What time is it?"

Hermione: "Its 8:30"


Hermione repeats her question: "Are you okay?"

"I had a bad dream."

Hermione: "What was it about?"

I tell her everything, except the part with the voices.

Hermione: "Do you get these types of dreams often?"

"Yeah, sometimes it's the same dreams over and over again".

Hermione: How long have you been having these dreams?

"I don't know, for a long time."

Hermione: "Have you told anyone about them?"

"No, you are the first to know."

Hermione: "Okay, but I'm sure it's just a dream"

"I know, Ginny would never backstab me"

Hermione and I are quiet for a while and then she exclaims: "Harlow you are bleeding"

I get up to look in the mirror, and she's right I have cuts all over my face and one of them is bleeding, the blood is running from my forehead and just before it hits my eye, Hermione hands me a cloth to stop the bleeding. While we wait for the bleeding to stop, we talk some more about the dream. After a while the bleeding stops, and the cloth is turned red. Hermione grabs a new one to get the dried blood away from my face and then she covers the wound with a bandage, kisses it and says: "I have to go now, but I will be back later, I would recommend that you stay in the room okay."

"Okay, I will"

Hermione: "I will bring you some food later okay"


Hermione leaves the room and I hear Astra hooting in her cage, I get up to let her out, for a moment I had completely forgot about her, I watch her fly around the room and I sit down to paint the sketch I made of her yesterday. 


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