Just an amazing date?

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Saturday October 27th

The next day I spent hours getting ready for my date with Sebastian, Hermione helped me do my make-up and pick out a dress. When Sebastian knocked on my door, I go over to open and just before the door closes behind us I turn around and send Hermione a quick smile.

We went to the three broomsticks and drank butterbeer, and we just had so much fun, talking about school and what we wanted to do when we grow up. And then he asked me: "If you could have any power in the world what would it be?" I think long about it because I already have an pretty awesome gift or power that I could do so much with, but then finally I answer: "I think I would like to read minds"

Sebastian: "Why's that?"

"Because then I would always know what others and especially my sister thinks of me."

I look down as I say it because I hate to admit it, but I feel lonely, and I feel that most people only talk to me because I'm Hermione's little sister

Sebastian: "You don't need to compare yourself with Hermione all the time, she's kind of annoying sometimes, I would be with you a hundred times than being alone with her and her knowledge"

I chuckle: "Thanks I needed to hear that."

Sebastian: "I mean it, I would be with you than her, always"

He takes my hand and looks deep into my eyes and says: "You have so beautiful eyes, has anyone ever told you that?"


Sebastian: "Yeah"

Sebastian looks at the time and says: "I think It's about time we should head back"

"Yeah, that might be a good idea"

I really thought we was going to kiss, but maybe not, it was such an awkward interruption.

We head back to Hogwarts and I just go straight to my room and throw myself on the bed.

A while later Hermione comes into the room, she sat beside me on my bed and lays a hand on my back. I turn around and Hermione asks: "Did your date go well?"

"Nah, we had a moment but then I think he freaked I don't know"

Hermione: "What happened?"

"We held hands but, then he just got up and wanted to leave"

Hermione: "Oh I'm sorry,"

"I just need to sleep I guess."

Hermione: "Okay, then goodnight"



A few hours later, I can't sleep so I stand up and light a candle, I sit at my desk and take a piece of paper and my quill and start writing: "Love is such a big word, but is loving someone and being in love the same thing" I stop because Astra is scraping in her cage, I stand up to open her cage she flies around the room and then lands on my arm, I gently pet her, she is my everything, I would be lost without her. Hermione turns in her bed, and I'm scared she will wake up, so I take my paper and put it in my drawer, where all my other poems or letters are hidden, Hermione thinks I have some wired stuff in there, but she doesn't know that all my feelings are hidden there. I pet with Astra for a while and then put her back into her cage, to go to bed and as I hit the bed, I almost immediately fall asleep.


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