Butter beers

13 2 0

Monday March 1st 

Luna had one more class so she said that she would meet us at the three broomsticks when she was done, so until then its just Neville, Ginny and I, walking towards the three broomsticks. Suddenly Neville asks: "Do people know that you two are a couple?"

I look confused at Ginny as she answers: "We try to keep it low key, but some knows of course"
Neville: "Okay"
Ginny: "Why do you ask?"
Neville: "I just overheard some people"
Neville: "I think it was Lavender and Sophie"
Ginny: "Have you told Sophie?"
"No, but she must have assumed after I said that she could have Sebastian"
Ginny: "Wait you said that?"
"Yeah I did"
Ginny: "Okay when?"
"Yesterday actually"
Ginny: "Okay"
Neville: "So why did you say she could have Sebastian?"
"She had a crush on him before I started dating him, and she's always been jealous of me"
Neville: "Well of course she is, no one likes her"
"But people only like me because I'm Hermione's little sister"
Neville: "I don't believe that"
"I don't know about it now, but when we started everyone was only about Hermione, and in my first year we looked a lot alike so people called me Hermione all the time"
Neville: "Really?"
"Yeah it was so annoying"
Ginny: "But now people know you for you and your art"
"That's right"
As we get to the three broomsticks we find a table and Neville get us all butterbeers.
After half an hour Luna appears and says: "Hi guys, what did I miss?"
Neville: "Nothing much, just been talking"
Luna: "Nice"
Luna starts a conversation about the mythical creatures there might be out there without us knowing, I drift off into my own thoughts, I drift into a daydream I've been having a few times already, Ginny and I are grown-ups, and it's our wedding day, we are standing at the alter waiting for the pastor to say: "You may kiss the bride" but a new thing that I haven't dreamt before is our vows, Ginny starts: "Harlow Jean Granger, you are my best friend and you always will be, but I always dreamt about us being more than just friends, so when I told you I was going to kiss Harry later that day, you were Harry in that scenario" I laugh, because its silly thinking of me being Harry, Ginny continues: "But I chickened out later and I told you that is was just for practise, but it never was. I've always loved you, every time I saw you, you made my heart flutter, and for so long I didn't know what it meant, then on our quest when I thought you was sleeping, I was brave enough to kiss you and it was the best decision I ever made. Our little, stupid conversation means more to me than you think. And I always wondered what I looked like in your beautiful hazel eyes. In this universe there is only one earth, seven seas, one-hundred-ninety-five counties, eight billion people and somehow, I was lucky enough to meet you, I love you and I will continue doing so during the easy and the tough times.
I start to tear up because Ginny's vows are so beautiful and then Its my turn: "Ginevra Molly Weasley, my Ginny, from my first day of Hogwarts you saw something in me that I never thought anyone could ever see. You saw me, no-one else, just me, I was so lucky that we were in the same house and in same year, you taught me to believe in myself and be more confident, I always looked forward to see you, every day with you is a good day, and ever since our practise kiss, I couldn't stop thinking about you. To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamt. Was something I wrote down at our poem writing date, but I never showed you because I was afraid, and I would rather tell you now. I remember the day at the cherry blossom tree I knew I had to do something bold before finishing the quest, and so I did, kissing you that day, feeling that my feelings were mutual, was a feeling I couldn't describe then even now, so many years later I still can't there is just something really special about you that I can't quite explain. I thought that loving someone and being in love was the same thing, but you showed my otherwise, love took me by surprise, love led me to you and love opened my eyes, so I can stand here today looking into your ocean blue eyes. Ginny Weasley, we haven't always been agreeing, but the day you agreed to marry me was the happiest day of my life"
We both tear up, trying hard not to ruin our makeup. And then the Pastor says: "In the name of god do you Harlow Jean Granger take Ginevra Molly Weasley to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until parted by death?"
"I do"
Pastor: "And so I ask you Ginevra Molly Weasley, do you take Harlow Jean Granger to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until parted by death?"
Ginny: "I do"
Pastor: "And if anyone is in objection of this joining in beautiful matrimony you may speak now or forever stay silent"
Nervous I look around the crowd and relived that no-one stands, and the pastor continues: "And now I wed you in holy matrimony, you may now kiss as sign of your union"
And just when our lips touch I snap out of my day dream.
I feel the need to write my vows down right this second I look for my bag but I quickly realize that I didn't bring it, I look at Ginny and she looks worried and then Luna asks: "What were you looking for?"
"uhm my bag but I didn't bring it" I say nervously
"What did you need that was in your bag?" Neville asks
"Honestly I don't remember"
Ginny leans into my ear and whispers: "Are you okay? We couldn't get to you."
"I'm fine just a daydream" I whisper back
Ginny: "A good one I hope"
I smile as I say: "Maybe the best one yet"
"Then you have to tell me" She begs
"I'm not telling you everything"
Ginny: "Now you kind of have to"
And then I hear Luna say: "They really are a couple huh"
And Neville says: "Definitely looks like it"
I sit up right clears throt and says: "Oh sorry guys"
Ginny: "Were you saying something?"
Neville: "Maybe we should head back to the school we've been here sometime"
Ginny: "Yeah sure, lets head back"
Back in my room I kiss Ginny goodnight before sitting down and write a list over some of the things I remember from my day dream.
I remember Ginny saying: Our little, stupid conversation means more to me than you think.

- And I always wondered what I looked like in your eyes.

- In this universe there is only one earth, seven seas, one-hundred-ninety-five counties, eight billion people and somehow, I was lucky enough to meet you

I only remember a few things of what I said:

- There is just something really special about you that I can't quite explain.

- To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamt

- Love took me by surprise, love led me to you and love opened my eyes,

When Hermione enters the room some time later, she asks: "What are you writing?"
"Oh nothing just something from a daydream"
Hermione: "Oh okay, a good one?"
"Yeah the best"
Hermione: "That's good"
"Hey so how are you and Ron anyway?"
Hermione: "We are good, why do you ask?"
"No reason, have you ever dreamt about if you ever got married?"
Hermione: "It has crossed my mind yeah, why?"
"I drifted off in a daydream at the three broomsticks and I was dreaming about mine and Ginny's wedding"
Hermione: "Exiting, I would love to see you two get married"
"Me too"

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