Talking with Hermione

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Monday January 11th 

Lucky for me Hermione is sitting at her desk reading, I go over to her and say: "Hermione?"
She jumps a bit, then turns around and says: "Oh hi, what's up"
"Can we talk?"
Hermione: "Sure, sounds serious"
"It is"
We sit down on my bed and I say: "You know how my dreams have been keeping me awake and leaving marks"
"Yeah" Hermione says worried"
"The thing is" I take a deep breath and Hermione takes my hand, "It's a specific voice that has been plaguing me for years"
Hermione looks more and more worried, the more I say
"Every time I've been waking up yelling "STOP" It has been that voice"
Hermione: "Who's voice is it?"
"It yours Hermione"
Hermione: "Mine, why mine?"
"I don't have and explanation for that, but I think its because I've always felt stupid around you"
Hermione: "But you aren't stupid"
"Hermione, I know that, but I still feel like it"
Hermione: "How can I help?"
"I don't know, maybe it helped just by telling you"
Hermione: "But tell me one thing"
Hermione: "How long have you been feeling this way?"
"Forever, I've always felt stupid or in the way"
Hermione: "Why haven't you told me this before?"
"I never could"
Hermione: "Okay"
"All my life I've been behind you, and coming here everyone knew you, every time I walked down the corridors people asked me where you are or they thought I was you, it's quite annoying actually, I've never felt that I was good enough I have always been in the shadow of Hermione Granger"
Hermione: "I am so sorry, I didn't know that"
Hermione hugs me and says: "People shouldn't think that we are the same person, we aren't, and that's a good thing because you are so special and so talented, I saw the portrait of Ginny, you see her a whole other way than we do, and I really admire that"
"You do" I'm surprised she has never said anything about my work.
"You know what I have an idea" Hermione says exited
Hermione: "Let's talk with Professor Burbage, maybe she will make an art gallery so other students will see you, but only if you want the attention"
"That's actually a good idea, thank you"
Hermione: "You have art don't you?"
"Yeah, but my art are better when I'm alone"
Hermione: "Then I think you should talk with Professor Burbage, so its not me who set it up?"
"Yeah, I might have art tomorrow, so I'll talk to her there"
Hermione: "Good idea, I will come and support you if the art gallery is being set up"
"Thank you"
Hermione hugs me and says: "Its late, let's get some sleep"

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