The art gallery

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Friday February 26th

It's been a month since Dumbledore agreed to make an art gallery, I've been making four paintings, one of Astra, one of me and Hermione, one of the school in the sunset, and last one of Dumbledore. I just hope that everyone likes them, I have all paintings with me to the great hall, where the gallery will be. I put my four painting up and I look around to see all of the others, Lilly has a few paintings on the moon, and they are absolutely beautiful. Shortly after all of the other students comes into the great hall, and the first ones over to me was Hermione and Ginny, and Hermione says excited: "Your paintings are absolutely beautiful"
"Thank you"
After a few hours a lot of people have been coming over to me and congratulating me for doing the art gallery, they all think that is was an amazing idea, even Lilly came over again to say that she was sorry, but I have already forgiven her, that she ruined my painting got me thinking to explore some more different paintings, so I showed my talent of painting people and getting the small details, the more I care about the one I'm painting the more detailed it gets. When Ginny saw the painting of me and Hermione asked: "Why is Hermione so much more detailed than yourself"
I didn't realise it before she asked so the only thing I could answer was: "I don't know, I didn't realise it"
But now, looking at the painting the only thing I see is less details, but I don't know how to make more detail on myself.
I get back to my room and sit down at my desk starting to draw myself, but after trying so much I still get so less detail. And the second I try to draw Hermione from how she looked last year and make a few of my own details. Now it just looks nothing like either me or Hermione, I get so frustrated that I rip the paper in half. Ginny comes in and says: "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?"
"I just can't get it right"
Ginny: "Then take a break and come with me"
"Okay fine"
I get up and follow Ginny and she pulls me outside, I look up and see the most beautiful red moon, and I smile, knowing that Ginny saw it and thought of me, I've always been obsessed with the moon and she knows it was one of the first thing I told her. We sit down on the grass. Resting our heads on the brick wall behind us. The grass is a bit wet, but we don't bother, it's nice having someone to share this beautiful night with. Ginny and I are holding hands and I rest my head on her shoulder, she kisses my forehead and I squeeze her hand. She gets up, pulling me with her, I'm confused at first but then she gently presses me against the wall, one hand on my shoulder the other resting on the brick wall, my hands immediately go to her shoulders. Our bodies pressed against each other, our lips combining perfectly, finding a rhythm and its just perfect. After the kiss Ginny says: "Sorry, I couldn't resist, was it too much?"
"Not at all, it was perfect"
I look up realising someone is looking out the window of my room, I get upstairs again, before entering my room I kiss Ginny one last time and say: "Thank you, I needed to get away from art"
Ginny: "No problem I had to show you the moon, maybe you could teach me art some day?"
"Maybe, we'll see"
Ginny: "Goodnight then"
I feel so in love like I'm floating, I enter my room and I see Hermione smirking and I know it was her in the window. I just sit down in my bed starting to change into my pyjamas, Hermione sits down beside me and says: "I saw you and Ginny"
"Okay and?"
Hermione: "Nothing, it was cute"
Hermione: "Come on, tell me how it felt?"
"It was perfect"
Hermione: "The world disappears"
"It really does"
Sophie walk in and says irritated: "Are you talking about your boyfriends again, I've had enough of it"
Hermione: "What is your problem Sophie?"
Sophie walks over to me: "You know what it is, don't you Harlow"
Honestly I have no idea so I say: "No I don't"
Sophie: "You took Sebastian away from me, and now he is gone"
"You can't force love Sophie, but its fine you can have him, we are not dating anymore"
Sophie: "Every time I come in here you two are talking about boys, so if you aren't talking about Sebastian who are you then talking about huh?"
I debate with myself if I should tell her, because if I do, she will tell the whole school. So I say: "Its none of your business"
Sophie: "Okay, but then is it you are dating Hermione?"
"Just shut up Sophie, we don't want to tell you, get over it"
Sophie leaves the room again angry, and I don't care, she is too much drama and if you tell her anything she tells the whole school because she is a tattletale.
Hermione: "When did you start speaking your mind?"
"Was it too much?"
Hermione: "No not at all, I loved it, and she deserved it"

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