Am I jealous?

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Friday October 26th

After I showed Ginny the wandless magic I learned the day before I went out to find Hermione, I look for her In the library and in our room, I even ask some of her friends if they have seen her, when I think about I haven't seen Ron anywhere while looking for Hermione, I go downstairs to a tiny room where Harry and Hermione talked after Ron kissed with Lavender.

I really thought she would be there; she goes down there sometimes to get some peace and quiet. But right now, I just can't find her anywhere. I'm about to give up and just stay in my room and draw, but then it hits me, she could be in Ron's dorm, so I run up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room and all the way to Ron's dorm, I knock, I can hear someone is in there, I think It could be either Neville, Dean or Seamus, so I just walk in because I know all the boys. But I shouldn't just have walked in. The second I step through the door the first thing I see is Ron have pushed someone up a wall and they are snogging. It takes me a minute to realise that the girl Ron is snogging is Hermione.

I quickly step back and suddenly I feel really nauseas, I run to my room and when I reach the dorm Sophie looks up from her books and ask: "Harlow are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

Sophie: "Are you sure, we could talk about it if you want?"

"No, that's fine, I think I need to take this with Hermione."

Sophie: "Oh yeah, she's with Ron"

"Thanks, I found her."

Sophie: "That's good, but if you want to talk I'm ready"

"Thanks Sophie, that means a lot"

Sophie: "Anytime"

I take Astra out her cage, and she flies around the room and then lands on her pedestal, I sit down and my desk to continue my drawing of her.

I didn't know Hermione was that kind of girl, I knew she liked Ron, but she always seemed more interested in books than people.


About an hour later I hear the door go and Sophie saying: "Oh Hermione, I think Harlow was looking for you earlier."

Hermione: "Thanks Sophie"

I hear her steps across the room and then I feel her arms around me and she says: "Hey sis, is that Astra you are drawing?"

"Yeah, it is."

Hermione: "That's pretty"


Then she leans down to my ear and whispers: "Can we maybe talk outside for a minute."


We go outside in the corridor and I notice that Hermione's hair is a bit more messy than usual, Hermione cuts my thought off by saying: "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

I try to sound confused but I know what she is talking about.

Hermione: "I know you saw me and Ron"

"Yeah, I did"

Hermione: "Can we maybe keep it between us?"


Hermione: "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, It's nothing"

Hermione: "Harlow I know you; you know you can tell me"

"I know, I just have to figure it out myself, because I don't know what's wrong".

Hermione: "Okay, but please tell me when you know, okay?"

"I will thanks."

We hug and go back into the dorm.

Just before I fall asleep, I think: "Maybe I'm jealous but why, I should be happy for Hermione, Ron Harry and especially Ginny, she's my best friend."


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