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Wednesday march 10th

After a long school day with snape being snape as always I'm enjoying a cup of tea while drawing, when suddenly Ginny barge into the room and say panicked: "Xavier has been expelled"
Ginny: "Dumbledore and snape are following him out right now"
"Do you think it's the ghost?"
Ginny: "Of course it is, come on you don't want to miss this"
We run downstairs just as Dumbledore and Snape is following Xavier out, he is handcuffed and he's screaming, he looks at me dead in the eyes and says angrily: "This is your fault, I will get my revenge"
He snaps at me as he get sat down in a police carriage and ridden away. As Dumbledore returns I ask: "What will happen to him?"
Dumbledore: "He is being sent to Azkaban for attempted murder"
"Attempted murder? Why?"
Dumbledore: "A friend of mine told me that he cursed you, I looked into it and the curse he used is deadly, it plagues your dreams until the cursed persons snaps and becomes insane, all he needed to do was to make you trust him and then he would do the last step of the curse which was to kill you from your mind. But you discovered it just in time"
"So what you are saying is that if I didn't look into my dreams, I would be dead?"
Dumbledore: "Yes, you would be long gone, but that didn't happen did it?"
"No, I am still very much alive, I guess"
I am so confused, I could have been dead, and now Xavier is sent to Azkaban, and he wants to do revenge on me, I have to ask dumbledore: "Will Xavier ever be back?"
Dumbledore: "Mr Rothley gets what he deserves and will never return to Hogwarts"
"Okay thank you Professor"
Hermione taps me on my shoulder as I turn around she asks: "What happened?"
"I could have been dead"
Hermione looks shocked and scared: "What?"
"Xavier tried to kill me"
Hermione: "I'm going to kill him, where is he now"
Ginny: "Getting what he deserves at Azkaban"
Hermione: "Good, and if he ever shows his stupid face here again I will kill him"
"He won't, he won't be back"
Hermione: "How can you be sure?"
"I'm not, but if its up to Dumbledore Xavier will never be back at Hogwarts"

Hermione: "Thank god for that"
Ginny looks worried at me and asks: "Harlow are you okay?"
I feel dizzy and I say: "I think I need to sit down"
As I try to sit down leaning on the wall everything goes black.


As I come to myself again both Ginny and Hermione is by my side and the ghost I flying over us, he notice me and says: "Good you are awake"

"What happened?"
Ginny: "You fainted"
Ghost: "Yes yes, now to the interesting part, Xavier Rothley is expelled, thanks to me"
"You did this?"
Ghost; "Yes, Xavier Rothley did a crime, he does the time"
"Okay, so you are dumbledores friend"
Ghost: "Well he claims to be, but I'm more like his right hand?"
Ginny: "So now that you have helped us so much, can we help you?"
Ghost: "You already did, I got to stretch after so many years in that book, and by trusting me to return I will continue to help you, if you need it of course"
"Thank you, but I don't believe it would be necessary"
Ghost: "I will always be at your service"
Ginny: "Can we at least get your name? You've been helping us for months and we never got your name"
Ghost: "How rude of me, Augustus Longbottom at your service"
Hermione breaks in and asks: "Longbottom as in you are ancestor of Neville Longbottom"
Augustus (Ghost): "Yes, I am"
"I had a feeling about it, you have the same eyes"
Ginny: "You really have something with the eyes don't you?"
Hermione: "She always had"
They start laughing
"You can tell a lot by eyes"
Hermione: "We know, we're just teasing, you know that"
"I know"
Hermione: "Maybe you should get some rest"
"Maybe an idea"
Augustus (Ghost): "Well then farewell for now"
Ginny: "Farewell Augustus"
And then he flies up and down into the book, and the book closes after him.
"I should hand it back to the library"
Hermione: "I'll do that, now get some rest"
"Okay thanks"
Hermione takes the book and leaves, Ginny stays by my side for a while, at last she says: "I'm just glad that you are okay"
"Me too, scary to think about that I could have been dead by now"
Ginny: "But you aren't and I'm thankful for that"
"I am too"
Ginny leans in, lifts my chin and kisses me deeply, I pull her closer to me, and just then someone enters the room, at first I think its Hermione but I hear running and the door slamming behind her again, and shortly after Hermione comes in and says: "Why did Sophie just come running out?"
"I don't know"
Hermione: "She saw you two kiss didn't she?"
Ginny: "Maybe?"
Hermione: "I can see that you are both blushing, you just kissed I know it"
"Fine, yes she saw us, but I didn't se that it was her.
Hermione: "Okay, she's wired anyway"


At curfew Sophie comes in again, with poofy eyes and says: "You are a lesbian, that's disgusting"
Hermione stand up and defends me by saying: "You are disgusting just by saying that, my sister is allowed to love who she wants without you picking on her"
Sophie: "Well its disgusting being a lesbian, and is she is a lesbian, she is disgusting"
Hermione: "Say that again"
Sophie: "Being a lesbian is disgusting"
Hermione is angry, I can see it, I get up and says: "Hermione its okay, leave it"
Hermione turns her back at Sophie, but just as I turn around Hermione slaps Sophie.
Sophie starts crying and runs out the room.
Hermione takes a deep breath and says: "Sorry, I didn't know where that came from"
"Nah don't say sorry, she deserved it, how did it feel?"
Hermione: "It felt great"
"Not great, brilliant"
Hermione: "You really think so"
"I know so"
Hermione and I laugh about for a while and then Sophie comes in again, she doesn't say a word just changes and goes to bed.
Hermione brush the hair out of my face and says: "I'm jealous of your hair, you know that don't you"
"Why are you jealous"
Hermione: "You have always had beautiful hair, mine was so poofy"
"Poofy is cute"
Hermione: "I don't think so"
I hug her and say: "Goodnight"
Hermione: "Goodnight sis"

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