Chapter 81

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Louis stood up from the table the moment he saw October excuse herself and leave the hall. He needed to talk to her. So he followed after her.

He needed to explain that this was a coincidence to him. Sure he was acquainted with her aunt and she was the one who recommended Jim for their new partnership in Nigeria. He had no idea that he was her dad. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea. Now it seemed like he was stalking her.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize he had lost her trail. He halted and sighed and looked around the room he was in now.

October's eyes widened when she saw who it was that had pulled her over to a corner. The jerk himself. Damien's hand was placed over her mouth and he whispered that she should be quiet. He was leaning over a bit, with his face turned to the clear side of the room.

For a moment she followed his command, and she didn't know why. Maybe it was because his body was so close to hers, or maybe it was the scent of his cologne, or maybe it was his breath on her face. He had been drinking something familiar. She just couldn't place her thumb on what it was. His breath smelt minty. Had he not been eating at the table? With his breath fanning her face— or her forehead rather because obviously he was taller than her— she could count every breath he took at that moment.

His gaze remained on whatever he was looking at outside the corner. It seemed like someone was there. After what seemed like a minute though, his grip on her hand — which she had barely noticed by the way— loosened. But his hand over her mouth remained.

Her eyes went from his chiseled jaw to his chin, and then his lips and remained there for a split second before she snapped out of it and pushed him away from herself.

"Are you crazy?" She asked him. "Why would you pull me over and scare me like that?"

"I- " he paused and then exhaled. "I'm sorry."

She eyed him.
"Never touch me again." She made a move to leave and he let her. She got into the clear side of the room now. "As a matter of fact," she turned back to look at him, "stay away from me."

He raked a hand through his hair and licked his lips, one hand on his waist.
"Look, I know you're angry about the gala- -"

"Me? I couldn't care less." She interrupted what he was saying and shrugged. "I barely even remembered that we were supposed to be there together when I had someone else with me." she laid so much emphasis on her words that his eyebrows flinched. October knew she was hitting his nerves, and she loved it for once. From the few months she had spent working for him, she knew he was quick to get angry. Any moment now his hotheaded side would be the one she would be confronting. She was going to kick on his last nerves till he snapped. He deserved it. He needed to know the world didn't revolve around him and his choices.

"Who?" he laughed sarcastically. "Whitey in the other room?" he pointed his thumb backwards.

"That's very wrong of you to say. And he's Filipino, you ass. I'd have that Filipino be my date over you anytime and any day." she raised her voice.

His jaw tightened.
"I don't give a damn who or what he is. Don't play with me October." He took slow steps towards her but she stood her ground. "I have laid claims on you. No one is allowed to go close to you." he stood towering over her now.

"I am not your toy. I am not a toy. Don't you ever use those words on me." she looked right up at him. "And you have no claims- " she poked a finger at his chest, "no claims at all on me."

"Yeah, sure." he nodded. "Wait till I ever find him this close to you." He held her finger.

"You will do nothing." She made sure her eyes were locked with his. "Nothing. Read my lips."

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