Chapter 1

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August 2018- 5 years later....

"Get up!"Twenty three year old Olivia Ihediwa pulled the covers off October's body. October didn't even spare a glance her way. She just used the pillow to cover her ears; that was before it was taken away too.
October finally sat up and sighed.

"What is it?"

"It's your turn to clean the room today. As for me, I'm going out. And we both know she won't help you with it so you can't escape it."Olivia said while glancing over at their other roommate, the third girl in the room. She was black skinned, her black shoulder length hair covering her face due to the fact that it was always let down. She was pretty and thin- just like October and Olivia but here was one problem.....She never talked to any of them, never.
She was always seated on the bed doing who knows what; they didn't even know her name. But due to the fact that she always had a bottle of Pepsi on her drawer each day,she was addressed as 'Peppy' by them, not in front of her though. She would always keep her part of the rent on the same drawer when the rent was due. She went out every afternoon and returned the next morning. Sure, they had tried talking to her before but she never answered.

Olivia stood up from October's bed and adjusted her gown which reached a long way below her knee. October looked at her slippers and scoffed.

"You don't even know how to dress."October said.

"If Temi likes it, I like it too."Olivia said.
October shook her head.

"When he and his family finish you with their rules, don't come back to meet me."October told her. Olivia hissed and began to walk towards the door.

"Don't forget to tell him I sent my greetings!" October said after her.

"You never did!" Olivia yelled back before she closed the door after her.

October yawned and scanned the room. It wasn't big so it wasn't that stressful to clean. She stood up from her small bed which was at the corner of the room. Her laundry was due for washing and she had to do it by herself..... no more maids.

After the wedding failed, her father threw her out on the streets, never to step her feet inside the house until she married Damien. All her life of luxury, gone down the drain.All her fancy clothes, who knows where?
She had coped with working for her university fees but then she quit after university; the job was too stressful. She was dating Ebube now.

It wasn't even possible for her to marry Damien.
Well for one, he was now dating Jessica Eburuche, one of the girls October disliked most in the world and compared to Jessica now, she was a nobody. Secondly, he had left for the States after what had happened and not showed up in the country since then.

Did she feel guilty about humiliating Damien? Yes. Did she regret not marrying him? Heck no. Was she struggling financially right now? Oh, yes. But she was going to 'make it' like everyone said, and show her father who had abandoned her for five years without even calling her for once that he was wrong. She didn't need him.

She sighed and did the usual- pray. She really wanted a job. That could help for now. She needed money for the rent and other bills. She was also tired of her mother being worried and supporting her in the littlest things. Call it pride, but she thought it was her being independent. But well, if not for her mother, who knows how she would have been able to graduate from the university?

At twenty two turning twenty three on a couple of months, October had no job and a little money; and the worst part was, she was living in one of the most underdeveloped towns of the city of Abuja.

The taxi stopped a few paces away from the front of the huge O&R building, one of the tallest buildings in Garki, which belonged to Jim Obiakor, her father.
October hopped down after paying him and sighed as she noticed her twin brother, Aaron, standing in front of the building with a frown on his face.

"What happened to you? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" October asked jokingly as she reached him.

"I told you to dress." He paused as he examined her dressing again."What in the world are you wearing?"

October examined her multicolored dress that almost reached her toes and then her bathroom slippers.

"What is there? I'm poor so I might as well dress like it."

"So you wore this just to let me know that I broke my promise in taking you shopping right?" Aaron asked.

"It's not like I'm asking you for clothes oh, but yes."October answered.

Aaron sighed.
"Let's go."

"To where?" October looked at herself. " For Pete's sake, I have shame."

"We'll stop at a boutique first. I'll buy you anything you need but then you have to agree to talk about the issue at hand. You've been running away from it for about five years now." Aaron said as he opened the door to the passengers seat of the car for her. He closed it as she got in, entered through the driver's door and drove off.

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