Explaining your quirk

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Quirk: Nightmare projection

With your quirk you can make a connection with a persons mind and see their nightmares stemmed from a scary situation someone has been in or how their feeling about themselves.

How it works: as long as you have some physical contact (holding hand, placing hand on head etc.) You close your eyes and you hear, see, feel physically, taste and smell everything from their nightmares that way no details go undetected and you have a deeper understanding on how to assist/help them and they stay in your mind for an hour roughly enough time to form a plan and talk to help.

Drawbacks: it does take a fair bit out of you mentally and emotionally so you do get tired easily but the  problem is that your quirk does amplify most of your nightmares so a full nights sleep is extremely rare. So you sport a nice pare of eyebags just like your cousin which you cover with makeup so not to worry people who come see you.

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