Chapter 23

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"So your telling me that you basically can see the people who have passed away?" Your cousin asks confused.

"Basically" you shrug.

"And it's not another quirk?" He questions.

"Nope just proves I got more brain capacity than you" you say with a grin.

"Yeah for your stupidity" he retorts back making you look at him in shock.

"You walked into that one Y/N" Shota says with a chuckle.

"Don't side with him!" You exclaim pointing at the tired man.

"Of course he would side with me, I'm not the one stupid enough to walk into that" your cousin says leaning back on the couch with a lazy grin.

"Boi. Your on thin ice" you say to him.

"Hmm?" Hitoshi frowns while looking around "I don't see that Todoroki kid around"

You just sit there staring at him in disbelief while Shota tries to hold back a a laugh.

"I have not agreed to stay here to be bullied" you pout and cross your arms slumping back in the armchair before pulling out your phone.

"What are you doing?" Hitoshi asks.

"Revenge" is all you say when suddenly Shota's phone dings and a grin forms on your face.

"Y/n...what did you do?" Your cousin says in a warning tone as Shota opens his phone.


Look at this cute baby!!

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Look at this cute baby!!

Shota looks up with a knowing smirk and turns to Hitoshi

"You were a cute kid" he states.

Hitoshi's eyes widen when he sees the picture before looking at you.

"You sent him a picture of me as a kid!! Y/N you know I hate people seeing them!" He exclaims.

"I don't know what your talking about" you say trying to hold back a laugh as you look away feigning ignorance.

"Your insufferable" he mutters crossing his arms again and pouting.

"Dude your the definition of it. You look at the definition in the dictionary and it says 'Hitoshi Shinso aka Aizawa's secret love child' don't believe me look it up" you say with a grin.

Before Hitoshi can say anything else Shota chimes in.

"What the- you sure your not related to Todoroki? Kid is always on about that stuff...Also we don't even look alike. Also-... you know what never mind" Shota sighs as he stands up "let's order food it's 6pm I'm too hungry and tired to deal with this."

"I second that" Hitoshi says as he stands up aswell.

"Fine" you sigh "let's get something to eat"



ou all finished eating and Hitoshi and Shota went to bed while you got yourself situated on the couch. You laid down with the blanket covering you, the only sounds is the ticking of the clock and a slither of moonlight is coming through the curtain. You close your eyes trying to get some sleep but as soon as you do your mind is plagued by a nightmare.


It's late afternoon and your with Hitoshi on your skateboards laughing and teaching him some tricks.

"Toshi! It's time to go home" you tell him.

"Alright alright" he replies.

You both skate back to his home to find the door open. You both look at each other a bit weirded out. You go up the front steps of the home and when you enter the house your both met with some mess in the front entrance.

"Toshi stay there" you warn him and he nods.

You enter the further into the home armed with your skateboard and you look into the kitchen to see no one there just a bit of mess. You then walk further in and your eyes widen at the scene Infront of you in the living room. Your breathing picks up as you see your aunt and uncle laid on the floor in puddles of their own blood in the trashed living room. You let out a scream making Hitoshi come in and see the scene Infront of you. Tears stream down your face as you scream for them to wake up.

Suddenly everything goes black and your falling then your suddenly in your parents home. In your old bedroom you look in the mirror to see your 18 year old self staring back at you. Your eyes widen as you know what day this is.

You hear a crash downstairs and you sneak downstairs your body shaking. You enter the living room to see your mom on the floor dead with your father stood above her knife in hand. Your eyes widen when suddenly he turns to you and sudden rushes as you making you scream as you try to run away.

"Stay away! STAY AWAY!" you let out a scream as you feel the knife in your shoulder making you scream in pain.


You eyes shoot open as your being shook awake and your body jolts up  and you breath heavily as your eyes dart around before landing on your cousin and a very concerned Shota. Hitoshi knowing what is wrong with you engulfs you in a hug gently shushing you as he strokes your hair then looks at Shota.

"Sorry Mr Aizawa, it's a part of her quirk drawbacks" Hitoshi tells him.

"It's fine Shinso" he says crouching next to you and placed a gently hand on your arm "Y/N, do you need some water?"

You stay silent but shake your head no your body starting to drift off from Hitoshi's comforting and he lays you back down.

"Go back to bed Shinso, I will make sure she is safe" Shota tells him and he nods heading back up.

You turn over as your eyes close again while exhaustion takes over you again the last thing you remember is a soft pair of lips on your forehead and Shota whisper.

"Your safe now kitten"

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