Chapter 8

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It's 4pm and you wrote out a session plan for Bakugou. You were hoping more of class 1-A would come visit you but you understand it can be nerve wracking for people to go see a therapist. You walk upto the classroom door and knock on it after a few moments you hear the familiar voice of Aizawa asking you to come in.

You walk in to see him sat there reading something and trying to grade papers with his limited mobility. He glances at you as you walk over to him and place it on his desk.

"What's this?" He asks.

"Bakugou's session plan. I have to let you know so he can't skip out on it and so you know he isn't ditching class" you inform him as you sit on a desk Infront of him "I only got 49minutes out of him before he started to shut down"

"Okay and why are you telling me this?" He asks as he looks at you.

"As his homeroom teacher you need to know. I will eventually get enough trust on him that he will allow me to access his nightmares and he might not be the best emotionally or mentally afterwards so you need to be cautious and that means giving you a briefing on his sessions which I have included with the session schedule" you inform him.

He grunts a bit and looks down at what you have written leaving the room silent for a few minutes.

"Hm I see" he says and sighs "well if your wondering the whole who Deku is that's his name for Midoriya"

"Oh the green haired kid that takes notes?" You ask.

"Yeah. I agree with you when you mention about the whole quirk thing. Midoriya has no control of his quirk and is constantly breaking his bones when he uses it. But he is tenacious and wants to prove himself so with training I'm sure he can handle it soon. But for some reason Bakugou sees him as a threat." He informs you.

"Yeah I tried to ask him about that but I just got him staring into my eyes to try assert his dominance and intimate me" you say with a sigh "I don't think he fully knows"

"Hm. I'm sure you will crack him eventually" he says as he leans back in his chair.

"Yeah...I know the sports festival is soon so I'm going to speak to his parents about a home visit that week as I don't want him to miss a session so that's going to be interesting" you say as you hop off the desk "I will do that tomorrow after another session I have in the morning"

Your phone goes off and you pull it out your skirt pocket and answer it.

"Hey Toshi, I'm currently talking to Mr Aizawa regarding some stuff" you say in the phone peaking Aizawa's interest "no I won't be coming over I'm starting sessions now and have to stay back to do planning and stuff...... Saturday? Sure.....shut up you purple troll't you dare threaten to use your quirk on me you remember what happened last time....yeah you better be sorry you little shit...haha very funny...yeah speak to you later...tell auntie and uncle I said hi...okay, love you too kid"

You hang up the phone and put it back in your pocket then look at Aizawa.

"Sorry about that" you say to him.

"It's fine. So your a relative of a student here?" He asks.

"Yeah" you chuckle nervously as you rub the back of your neck "Hitoshi Shinso in general studies is my cousin"

"I know him. He has a good quirk. Heared he declared war on my students though" he says.

"Don't remind me. I was here to hear it all. Should have seen his face when I revealed myself. He went from smug and intimidating to nearly shitting his pants in 0.1 seconds. At the time I was too angry with him to notice how funny it was but now Im highly amused by it" you say with a giggle "but yeah I spoke to him about it. If he will actually man up and come apologize to them then that's another thing"

"He seems stubborn so I doubt it" Aizawa points out.

"Oh definitely. But it's a family trait so he won't change" you say with a sigh "anyhow, I better go finish some things. Do you need anything?"

"No I'm good thanks. See you later" Aizawa says going back to his papers.

"Okay, see you later" you smile as you exit the class and head back to your office.

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