Chapter 36

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After spending a few hours chilling with Hitoshi and your aunt and uncle you decide to go to the supermarket and get a pregnancy test to be in the safe side. You know none of the condoms used were broken and you took a morning after pill after the first incident but your aunt's made you paranoid. You enter the store and pick up a test anxiety filling your body but you brush it off as you go pay for the rest and then head home.

Once your home you let out a sigh and go straight to the bathroom. You take out the test and follow the instructions carefully. You leave the test on the side while you wait for 3 minutes and call Nemurei.


"Hey Nem, are you free right now?"

"I am actually, what's up?"

"I need you to come over please, it's important"

"Oh okay Hun, I will be there in 10"

"Thanks Nem, bye"


As soon as she hangs up you sit on your bed and run your fingers through your hair waiting nervously.


Literally 10minutes later Nemurei was over and you explained the situation.

"I can't look Nem, I'm nervous" you say.

"I will look Hun don't worry" she says with a small smile as she goes into the bathroom.

You silently sit there for what felt like hours but it was only a minute when Nemurei walks out with the test.

"W-what does it say?" You ask.

"Well uh...better find a bigger place is all I can say" she says showing you the positive pregnancy test.

Your eyes widen and they start to water up as your body was racing with emotions.

"But how?! We were careful! We used protection and it never broke and the one time we did a month ago I took the pill!" You exclaimed.

"I still got them, let me check the packaging" she says.

She rummages thorough her bag and suddenly her face drops to horror and guilt as she pulled out two similar looking packets.

"I'm so sorry" she says.

"Nem?...what did you do?" You say slowly.

"I was rushing to give you it without the boys knowing and uh...I must of accidentally cave you paracetamol instead" she says panicking "I'm so fucking sorry!"

"Oh my god" you groan as you flip back on the bed "what the hell is Shota going to say?!"

"I'm sure he will be fine" Nemurei tries to reassure you.

"We haven't spoke about this though! He might not even want kids! I'm not going to get rid of it so I'm gonna end up being a single mom!" You exclaim.

"Hey I know Shota is like he is but he won't just up and leave you and the baby" your friend tries to comfort you as she sits down "I will beat his ass before that happens"

"Promise?" You ask with a tiny smirk.

"Oh you bet girl. I know Hizashi will join in to" she chuckles.

"Now that would be funny to see" you say with a giggle.

"Now, how about we go to the mall and get a little something to help break the news to him when he gets back?" Nem suggests.

"Sure let's do that" you say with a smile.

You watch her get up and leave the room. You look down and place a hand on your stomach with a smile.

You definitely are a suprise but I know one thing, I can't wait to meet you...

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