Chapter 19

367 16 19

(thank you Pickle2010 for making me realize I put it down as chapter 20 instead of 19!! My sleep deprived brain didn't comprehend my mistake 😂)

Shota took you home and you got changed then took you to you appointment after you got a coffee and something to eat.
Your now sat in the waiting room with Shota after having a scan and now awaiting for the next part of your testing when out the corner of your eye you see a tuff of light blue hair go past the door. Your eyes widen a little as you jump up from the seat startling the raven haired male next to you.

"Y/N?! What's wrong?" He asks.

You don't say anything as you run out the room with him following you. You weave through some people and see the figure you now saw was definitely Shirakumo go round a corner which you round a few seconds later to end up at a dead end with a window. You look around and groans loudly when you hear a voice by your ear.

"That was fun" it said cheekily with a giggle and you turned to see no one one there.

"Oh come on!" You exclaimed to no one or so you thought when you turn around to see a confused and concerned Shota stood there.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine..." You say with a sigh "I just thought I saw something..."

You both start to walk back to the waiting area you were slightly irritated. Shirakumo obviously has limited time to materialize but he uses it to mess with you.

"What did you see?..." Shota asks breaking the silence.

"I don't want to say..." You mumbled.

"You saw him again didn't you?" Shota questions after a few minutes of silence and all you can do is nod.

Before more can be said the nurse calls you and you enter a room where there are some machines and wires. You take a seat as Dr Saki walks in.

"So we had a look at your MRI and the anomaly is still there. We are going to hook you up to machine that will read your brainwaves better" she explains you nod as she places a helmet kind of device on your head.

You glance at Shota nervously and he places his hand in yours squeezing slightly to reassure you.

"Right let's get started" she says "I'm going to show you some images and read how your brain activity responds"

You nod and she starts to flash some images at you and your brain reacts to how they should be and Dr Saki jots it down. You see Shota lean over and hand something to the Dr and you pick up on him asking her to try this picture which confuses you until it suddenly flashes on the screen. Your eyes widen a little as you see the picture of Shota, Hizashi and Shirakumo that's when your brain goes a bit crazy as all the memories and emotions you felt since talking to their passed friend goes through your mind which the Dr notes down.

"I remember that picture! God look how young Shota looks!" You hear someone say and you break away looking at the picture to see Shirakumo sat near the mentioned male.

You face scrunches up to confusion at the misty looking boy who smiles brightly.

"He looks more tired nowadays though and nice to see he kept the long hair. Guess he will never change huh?" The boy says gently flicking a strand of Shota's hair making it move slightly.

You watch as Shota stiffens slightly as he obviously felt the slight motion then he looks at you.

"Do you see something?" The doctor asks and you nod.

"Is it...?" Shota asks looking around with his eyes and you nod.

"Hmm...interesting" the doctor says "I have a theory. Is he still there?"

You look at the two before looking back at Shirakumo still sat there with a smile and you nod again.

"Talk to him" the doctor says.

"Yeah L/N-chan you can talk to me! Also I'm sorry for earlier I just wanted to have some fun, it gets boring sometimes" Shirakumo says with a giggle.

"It's not funny you know...." You grumbled then sigh "god I feel nuts talking to you when the others can't see or hear you..."

"Oh! I know you can tell Shota something only I know that even Hizashi doesn't" Shirakumo tells you

"Enlighten me Shirakumo" when you say that Shota's hand tightens a bit.

"Tell him....that I told him he has a fetish for cat girls" he says with a grin "he always has ever since school"

"I can't say that out loud!!" You exclaim with a blush making the two others in the room confused and you look at Shota where your face turns into a sly grin.

"Say what?" Shota asks while Dr Saki raises an inquisitive eyebrow.

"One word." You smirk "meow"

The blue haired boy starts to cackle and fall off the chair making you laugh as soon as you saw Shota's face morph into shock and embarrassment as he knows what that means straight away and only Shirakumo knew.

"Holy shit! Shirakumo fell off the chair!" You say through laughter.

"Is it possible to slap a ghost?" Shota grumbles not impressed even with the embarrassed look as you and the boy calm down.

"Oops looks like I gotta go" he says as you see him fading "I will see you later L/N-chan!"

"Just call me Y/N" you say with a warm smile he nods and waves as he disappears and your brain activity calms down back to normal.

"Well that was interesting and confirms my theory" Dr Saki says making you and Shota look at her "in rare instances mind quirks like yours use your brain to more of its capacity which means you can access things that others can't. I have actually seen this happen once, so Miss L/N get prepared because this will happen more. Normally in a scientific point of view they would class you as insane but thankfully you saw me instead."

"That's what Shirakumo told me" you mention "so I am a clairvoyant"

"You can put it that way" the Dr basically confirms while taking the helmet off you "I will put all the findings in your file and send you a copy"

You nod as you and Shota stands up with Dr Saki.

"There isn't much to do but I'm sure you can find a way to deal with it. You seem to be coping so far" she tells you "anything else happens just give me a call"

You nod and bid her farewell as you both leave and you have seemingly with more questions than answers.

Why me?

Why can't Shirakumo tells me more?

Why is this happening?

Why now?...

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