Chapter 37

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On the way to the mall you made a quick call to book a scan to check which is for a week's time. You brought a gift that Nemurei and you thought was cute and as soon as you got home you hid it under your bed ready for when Shota comes home. Once night falls you fall asleep quickly but your sleep was far from restless.


Your back in that white area again and you turn to see Oboro stood there smiling.

"Sorry to come this way Y/N-chan. But it's easier for me right now" the boy says.

"What is going on now Oboro you only talk to me like this if it's important" you ask.

"Something big is going to happen at the camp. Your going to be needed I'm sure" he tells you.

"What do you mean big? How am I going to be needed?" You ask confused.

"I can't say what or why, I'm sorry Y/N-chan. I only get limited information. I have to go now, also congratulations on the baby!" He says as he disappears.


You gasp awake again and sit up.

"Fucking hate when he does that" you mumble but before you can think about what he said the nausea hit and you had to run to the bathroom.

After 10 minutes Infront the toilet you get up and have a shower then you see it's 6am as your getting dressed. You give a call to principle Nezu explaining the situation that Oboro said and he happily said you can go and you drove to the school, as soon as you got the location you wasted no time in driving to the location.


By the time you get there it's 1pm and you pull up to the wild wild pussycats training camp. You step out the car and look around the relaxing forest atmosphere. You took only two steps away from the car when a brown haired cat woman comes upto you.

"Hello there! You must be L/N, Nezu said you would be coming. My name is Mandalay, It's a pleasure to meet you!" She says with a smile and shakes your hand.

"Pleasure to meet you too. I'm sorry to be coming over like this and I'm unsure how much Nezu has told you but this is important" you say with a smile.

"No he didn't say much but he he did mention the urgency of you coming. Please follow me to the staffroom, the kids are busy training with eraser and Vlad aswell as pixie bob and tiger. But ragdoll will be with me while we talk so we can relay this to the rest of them later" Mandalay explains while your walking over to the building.

You look around and notice a few students who are training. You have to try not giggle when you see Todoroki in a barrel of water looking like he doesn't want to be here and regretting his life choices. But while your looking you don't see Shota anywhere which makes you frown. As soon as your in the building you start to walk to the staffroom but get stopped.


You and Mandalay turn round and you smile as you see Shota stood there with a look of confusion.

"Hey Shota" you say with a smile as he walks over quickly.

"What are you doing here? How did you find this place?" He asks.

"Nezu told me...I needed to speak to everyone" you say.

"Eraser, are you free now? You can join me and pixie bob" Mandalay asks.

"Yeah, I am" he says and you all walk into the staff room where you meet pixie bob.

"So what's going on?" Pixie bob asks.

"Their is danger going to be coming" you say "the camp and students might not be safe"

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