Chapter 12

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The sports festival ended and of course you were not impressed seeing Bakugou had to be restrained because of his anger which ended up you facepalming the desk hard which startled the two males beside you. Upon which you replied that your questioning your career choices.

Currently you were driving to Aizawa's home which wasn't too far from the school. The drive was quiet but oddly calming just music playing lightly as background noise. You pull into his drive and help him out the car and into his home. The house wasn't too bad in cleanliness but you could tell dust was starting to gather. Once Aizawa was situated on the couch you got to work with starting to clean the kitchen.

The kitchen wasn't too bad minus the bin needed emptying, the sides needed cleaning and some plates in the sink. You opened the fridge to see his usual pouches chilling on the top shelf and a few items that you can make a simple stir fry with. With a solid plan in your head you got started on cleaning the kitchen starting on cleaning the sides with antibacterial spray and paper towels making the black marble surfaces shine again followed by washing the dishes in the sink then taking out the bin and emptying it. You check the time to see it's getting close to 6pm and you go back to Aizawa to see he is asleep. With a small smile on your face you leave him be and start to cook dinner.
Once dinner was cooked you played the noodles and stir fried vegetables on the plate. You make your way back to Aizawa and gently shake him.

"Hey...hey Aizawa..wake up I made dinner" you say softly making him groan awake.

"Fine...I'm getting up." He says sleepily while getting up slowly.

You both make your way to the kitchen and he sits at the island. You place the plate and chopsticks infront of him then sit next to him with yours. He stares at the food and then looks at you like you have gone insane.

"You need a proper meal. I know you can't feed yourself so you have to suck it up and let me help you" you say to which he sighs.

"Fine.." he rolls his eyes.

You pick up the chopsticks and pick up a baby sweet corn and move his bandage to access his mouth easier then feed it to him. While he is chewing you pick up yours and take a bite doing this routine till both your plates are empty.

"How was it?" You ask picking up the plates.

"It was good..thank you" he says watching you.

"No need for thanks I'm happy to help you" you say with a beaming smile while washing the dishes.

When your finished you help Aizawa upto his room. His room is clean and has very minimal decor. He has a wardrobe, chest of drawers and a double bed. You sit him on his bed and look at him.

"So, do you need help with getting dressed or bathed?" You ask awkwardly.

"No, I figured out a way to get myself dressed at least so I'm fine." He says and you nod.

"Okay...well I will be just down the hall. Give me a shout if you need me" you say to which he nods and you leave his room.

You go into the living room and start to clean. You pick up some rubbish and dust the sides where you see a photo frame laying down on its front. You get curious and pick up the frame seeing a picture of 3 young boys two of them you can tell is Aizawa and Yamada.

God those two haven't changed, Aizawa still looks tired and Yamada is still hyper you thought with a smile.

You then see a boy in the middle of the two with light blue hair and a bandaid over his nose with a bright smile on his face. You lightly run your fingers over the boys image and you gasp as a vision flashes.

Three boys are hanging together in a hallway of UA who you can tell is Yamada, Aizawa and the boy.

"Shota, Hizashi! I was thinking when we graduate we should start a hero agency!" The blue haired boy says with a smile.

Suddenly your walking behind them while their crossing a road as the boy continues talking.

"We combine powers and work together we can handle just about anything."

Then your suddenly leant on a railing while Aizawa and Yamada are standing leant on a statue and the blue haired boy is sat on the floor.

"So even if one of us slips up there is no doubt the other two would always have his back" he says while looking up at the two boys "you know what I'm always saying! Shota's got an eye for detail, no pun intended, let's start and agency! So what do you say?"

He boy stands up with a sigh and turn to the two males while still talking.

"So what is there to think about? Let's just do it!" He says with a toothy smile and clenched his fist with determination.

You blink and your surrounded by ruins and you see Aizawa stood there in his hero outfit and a bloodied arm stood on the ruins of a building in shock.

Suddenly you hear a voice around you and your in a white space. You turn to see the boy from before but he is misty looking.

"My name is Oboro Shirakumo, my me.." he says.

"H-how? How can I help you?" You ask desperately.

"I'm neither alive nor dead...that's all I can say..." He says as he starts fading away "please help my friends be happy...."

He then fades away.

You gasps loudly as you blink and are back in Aizawa's house. You look around confused as silent tears fall from your eyes. You look back at the picture and let out a shaky breath as you speak quietly.

"Shirakumo...I will try..."

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