Chapter 9

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It's finally the day of the sports festival and all the students were pumped. Sessions with Bakugou have been going...well as well as it can be but your sure you were breaking though his shell pretty well albeit slow and Amajiki has seen you a couple of times with Togata. His anxiety has been improving slightly but not enough and you haven't established enough trust to use your quirk. In all honesty it was going the same speed as Bakugou's but your happy to help no matter how long it takes.

Currently you were in the presenters booth with Aizawa and Yamada. Over the time you three, Kayama and Yagi have got along really well and trusted each other a fair bit to the point Yagi told you he was really All Might which you were happy he trusted you with.

At the moment the obstacle course had been done and the cavalry battle just ended and Yamada was announcing the four groups that passed.


Hearing that made you wince especially when you could see the boy having a tantrum.

Todoroki is another person we are going to be having a talk about you thought.

"IN THIRD PLACE IS TEAM TET- HANG ON IT TEAM SHINSO?! When did they come back from the dead.." Yamada said muttering the last part but you didn't care as you squealed happily knowing your cousin was accepted into the final rounds.


You stand up and stretch as your body start to feel a bit stiff. You notice out the corner of your eye Aizawa glancing at you and a small smirk forms on your face.

"Damn I'm tired already" Yamada says making you chuckle.

"You think your tired? Damn you should let me take off my make up and show you my eyebags. Their worse than Aizawa's" you say making the tired male scoff.

"You try being around Hizashi and Nemurei then tell me your not tired" he grumbles.

"Shhooootaaa that's so mean!" Yamada whines making you giggle.

"Truth hurts" Aizawa retorts making you snort out a laugh and cover your mouth.

"I'm sorry" you manage to squeak out.

"It's fine, I'm used to it" Yamada says with a chuckle.

"Right I'm gonna go get a coffee and see my cousin so I will be back in a bit" you say earning farewells and waves as you exit the booth.


You grab a coffee and walk down the hall to look for Hitoshi when you hear people talking and see Bakugou eavesdropping. He sees you and puts a finger to his lips and you nod as you listen in.

"You have All Might on your side tell me...are you All Might secret love child or something?"

You eyes widen and you cover your mouth to stifle your laughter while Bakugou gives you a glare before you both listen and you poke your head out slightly to see its Midoriya and Todoroki is talking. You then hear him telling most of his life story about his father and mother and your eyebrows forrow.

Seriously has Aizawa got the mentally fucked up class or what? You think to yourself.

Suddenly the two stop talking and walk away. You sigh and look at Bakugou.

"Go get yourself ready" you inform him and he nods then you proceed down the hall to find Hitoshi.

"Hitoshi!!" You squeal happily before engulfing him in a hug "congratulations! I'm so proud you got this far!"

He chuckles as he hugs you back.

"Thanks Y/N" he says as he let's go and rubs the back of his neck.

"You do the best you can and if you don't get through the next round don't be disheartened! You have done enough to to prove yourself! Understand?" You say keeping positive.

"I know, thanks" Hitoshi says with a small smile.

Suddenly you hear Yamada telling participants to come back and you ruffle Hitoshi's fluffy purple hair.

"Go get em kid" you say and he smiles a bit before walking back to the middle of the stadium and you go back to the presenter stand.

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