Chapter 24

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You awake the next morning to hearing noise from the back yard and you check the time to see it's 10am.

Holy shit I haven't slept this long in years you thought.

You slowly get up rubbing your eyes and combing your hair with your fingers as you walk to the back door and see Hitoshi doing some push ups while Shota is watching him. After a few minutes Hitoshi stops and sees you there.

"Good morning Fiona??" He says with a small grin and you flip him off.

"Morning Y/N" Shota says and you wave a little as you perch on the wall while he looks at Hitoshi "you been at this for a few hours. Take 5"

Hitoshi nods as he heads back inside to get some water and Shota walks upto you and gives you a soft kiss then steps back.

"How are you feeling now?" He asks as he sits next to you.

"Like shit to be honest..last nights nightmare was horrible.." you respond "just a replay of something that happened when I was younger"

"You dreamt about your mom and dad again didn't you.." you hear behind you making you turn to face Hitoshi who is stood at the door.

You let out a sigh and nod. You refused to mention the first part of your dream as you don't want to upset your cousin. Shota looks at you with a mix of concern and confusion but doesn't want to press the issue.

"If it gets too much I can brainwash you to help you deal with it" Hitoshi casually says while sitting next to you.

"Toshi you really want to say that while Shota is literally right here!" You say in slight panic

"Shinso you know even with me here it is illegal unless I give you permission right?" Shota tells him.

"Shit yeah sorry" Hitoshi says rubbing the back of his next then yelping as you smack him on the back of the head.

"Tch idiot" you say.

"You been around Bakugou too long.." Shota mutters as he stands up "breaks over Shinso. Go back at it"

Your cousin nods as he gets up and walks back into the centre of the garden ready to start the next part of his training for the day.


It was currently 3pm and you decided to leave them be while you went to the nearest grocery store to get stuff to cook a meal later.

You were walking around the store grabbing ingredients for a pork cutlet bowl and little treats for the boys. You picked out some Sakura gummies for Hitoshi knowing he has a small weakness for them and you spot some cat head shaped chocolate macarons which you pick up for Shota. You find some green tea Pocky and smile as you place that into the cart then carry in walking looking at the shelves when you accidentally bump into someone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry" you say as you look at the person you bumped into.

"Don't worry Hun, accidents happen" she responds and upon closer inspection you see how she has ash blonde hair and red eyes just like Bakugou.

"I'm sorry but are you Bakugou's mother?" You ask.

"Yes I am, how do you know my son?" She asks confused.

"My name is Y/N L/N, I'm the schools therapist" you introduce yourself.

"Ah your the young lady who my son was on the phone to the other week!" She says with a smile.

"Indeed, I was going to call to organise a home visit the week of the sports festival but I ended up making it a phone appointment instead" you explain.

"How is he doing? I guess he is coming due to his anger issues" she questions.

"He is doing well, we just talk about his day and goals and if he is feeling negative emotions I ask him what caused them and try to figure them out with him" you explain "unfortunately his shouting and stuff is part of his personality it seems and I can't help with that"

"Don't worry about it. I'm just happy he has got someone to talk to. He seems a little less tense at home now so your obviously doing something right" she says with a smile.

"Have you heard about how he is doing at his placement so far?" You ask.

"Not really, maybe he will talk to you and you can let me know? He obviously finds speaking to you easier than me. I mean he talks to me and his father but I understand it's easier to talk to a stranger than your own family with things." She mentions.

"That's very true, well what I can do so your in the loop better is I can send you a letter containing some methods to use at home that he can work on with your help. Does that sound something you would like?" You question.

"That sounds wonderful thank you. Let me give you Katsuki and mines number" she says and you hand her your phone and when she is done she hands it back.

"Thank you very much Mrs Bakugou, I will send you a message later" you say

"Just call me Mitsuki and thank you for all your doing to help my son" she says with another warm smile "I will see you later Hun have a good rest of your day"

"You too Mitsuki" you say as you both part ways and finish your shopping then make your way back to Shota's.

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