Chapter 11

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You were pacing the hallway running your fingers through your hair trying to calm down your breathing. You were Soo in your world that you didn't notice the huge figure behind till you turned and bumped into them.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" You squealed as you took a couple of steps back.

"It's fine." The voice says and you look up to see that it was Endeavor "I heared your speech. Who are you girl?"

"Oh, um I'm Y/N L/N the school therapist" you said hiding your distaste for the man.

"I see" he says "that explains it still don't see how you were allowed in the booth"

"Emotional support for students maybe?" You say with a shrug.

"Hm. Are you a hero aswell?" He asks.

"Nope" you say popping the P.

"Okay, well maybe I can have you talk to my son Shoto and convince him to use his fire side and get out his rebellious teenage phase quicker" he states making you clench your fist.

"I will speak to him but only to help him with his trauma. I mean that's my speciality due to my quirk and with his lack of social understanding and emotion and the fact he keeps to himself not to mention that nasty scare he is showing signs of abuse. So I will help him but only to help him cope with the damage you have caused" you say as you turn on heels "good day Endeavour"

You walk down the hall ignoring the glare going through the back of your head and as soon as you turn the corner you slump against the wall and let out a breath you didn't know you was holding. That man really got in your nerves and with what he did to Shoto and his family that just added more fuel to the fire (not pun intended...or was it?)

You slide to the floor and hug your knees. Lost in thought when you got snapped out of it by your phone ringing. You sigh as you take it out your pocket and answer it.


"Hey, it's Aizawa. You doing alright?"

"Yeah...I will be back up in a minute. Also how you get my number?"

"Okay and to answer your question, I have my ways"

"You went to use your quirk in Yamada didn't you?"

"As I said. I have my ways"

"Okay Aizawa" you said chuckling "anyhow why are you so desperate for me to come back?"

"Hizashi is a pain in the ass and your more tolerable than him" you hear Yamada whine a complaint in the background.

"Fine, I'm coming back"

"See you in a bit".

The phone hangs up and you can't help but laugh to yourself as you walk back to the booth. You open the door to just in time to see a massive explosion light up the arena making you frozen with wide eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPEN?!" you shout as you run upto the window to see a knocked out and burnt Midoriya.

"Todoroki used his fire quirk and with the sudden temp change and Midoriya's quirk it colliding with the wall Cementoss created it caused an explosion" Aizawa explains calmly.

You sigh and flop onto the chair next to the erasure hero as you run your fingers through your hair while Yamada explains there will be a break then gets up to grab himself a coffee leaving you and Aizawa alone.

"How is your recovery going?" You ask the male next to you.

"It's going well. Recovery girl is going to do some intense healing the next couple of days" he tells you.

"Are you home alone or are the Yamada and Kayama helping you with stuff around the house?" You question.

"I won't let them in to help" he says then an idea comes in your head.

"Well I decided that knowing how tired your going to be with recovery I'm going to come over and help clean the house and cook you a decent meal. I won't take no for an answer. Just remember who I'm related to so arguing against me will be impossible" you tell him.

"Fine" he grumbles with a sigh.

You sit there and look back out the window awaiting for the festival to be over, a smile plastered on your face.

 let me help you (Aizawa Shota x reader)Where stories live. Discover now