Chapter 29

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You were sat in your office typing away on your laptop when the door knocked.

"Come in" you said.

The door opened and the stoic looking Todoroki boy comes into the room. You smile as you lock your laptop and stand up walking towards the armchair.

"Good afternoon Mr Todoroki, please take a seat on the couch. Do you want a drink or snack?" You ask him with a comforting smile.

"Um do you have green tea?" He asks.

"Of course. Take a seat and I will start to make it" you say.

You start to make the tea while he sits on the couch as you start your observation.

Stoic expression, sitting is tense with straight back. Could be down to hidden nerves or what he was taught as their family is fairly traditional you thought.

You finish making the tea and place it Infront of him earning monotone thank you from the boy.

This is going to be a difficult session you thought as you pick up your notebook and pen.

"How has your day been so far?" You ask him.

"It has been good" he responds.

"I heared your end of term exams are in a few weeks. How are you feeling about them?" You question.

"I feel fine. I know I will pass" he tells you then takes a sip of tea.

Confident, that's good you thought as you noted this down.

"I'm sure you will" you say.

"May I ask why I'm here?" He asks staring directly into your eyes.

"Well Mr Todoroki your aware of my position and over my time here my mind analyses people who may need someone to talk to. I was not going to get too involved unless you asked me to but after the incident in Hosu I felt obligated to speak to you. Your not being singled out as I put in requests for Midoriya and Iida aswell" you explain.

"I don't need to talk to you about how I'm feeling" he states.

"Well holding in your emotions won't help easier. I observed you during the sports festival and how you won't use your left side and after a brief encounter of your father I can understand why" you tell him as you lean back in the chair.

"You spoke to him?" He questions with curiosity.

"Yes and just like how I observed from your reactions to him I can agree with you that he is an ass to put it bluntly" you tell him.

"That he is" Todoroki sighs "fine ask what you need"

"Glad you want to do so" you say with a smile "so we will just start off with the basics of who you have in your family"

Then that's how it all started and after the full hour you basically has 3 back to back pages on the boy and his life. Your heart was breaking for this young boy Infront of you. He has had it rough since day one and it's not getting any better soon. You knew straight away that your sessions with him are going to last a while and there was going to be a lot of work. He wasn't scared to air his father's dirty laundry when it comes to his treatment to him and his family. By the end of the session he agreed to come for another session and you told him that you will sort out a session plan with objectives which he was happy to give a try.
Once he left you let out a heavy sigh as your rubbed your temples and went straight on your laptop to type things up and sort out possible plans for him, with the information you have there are multiple ways to tackle this. You would like to go to the police but sadly there are no evidence and with him being the no.2 hero it won't be easy so you have no choice but to leave it be.

"Wow that was a lot of stuff to unpack huh?" You lift your head to see Oboro there.

"You know you shouldn't be listening into these things right?" You mutter focusing back on the laptop.

"True but I got bored" he says with a sigh laying on the couch.

"Well can't you go annoy Hizashi, I think it would be amusing to hear him scream like a girl over a floating cup" you say with a chuckle "or hide Shota's sleeping bag"

"Actually that's not a bad idea! Enjoy the show Y/N-chan!" He chuckles and disappears.

You smirk as you carry on typing then after 5 minutes you hear a high pitched scream and your eyes widen before you burst into laughter and Oboro turns up again laughing too as he holds up 3 fingers and slowly puts them down one by one then when the last finger is done your door slams open and a scared Hizashi is stood there. You look at him then to Oboro and cracked up in laughter again.

"That's not funny!!!" Hizashi exclaims.

"It was and still is, nice one Oboro" you say wiping tears from your eyes as you look to the boy.

"Thanks Y/N-chan!" He says happily.

"Not cool man!" Hizashi says looking at where you are with a pout.

"Tell him I'm sorry but I was trying to cheer you up from a tough session" Oboro tells you.

"Oboro apologises but he was cheering me up as I had a tough session just now" you relay to the voice hero.

"It's fine, I forgive him. Anyhow I better go back" Hizashi says with a smile and leaves.

"Well I better get going to! Glad to be of service! Bye!" And with that Oboro disappears.

You smile to yourself as you finish of your work for the day.

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