Chapter 3

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It's been a few days now and you had the odd few people come to see you but not many. Then the USJ attack happen and it's been a few days after the attack and by what you heared it was a traumatic experience for the students and after a quick chat with Aizawa you were allowed to come into the his classroom and speak to the class, so of course you see a list a name and images of the students to make connection with them easier.

You knock on the door and hear a tired come in and when you walk in you see a mummified Aizawa and your eyes widen a little as it's the first time seeing him since the attack.

"Class this is Miss L/N the therapist and she has decided to come talk to you. L/N you can talk to them" Aizawa says.

"Thank you Aizawa. Also my office is empty if you want to go take a nap" you inform him which he nods and leaves the room.

You turn to look at all the students and lean on the desk facing everyone. A few of them look emotionless, some nervous and some like they don't want to be here.

"Hello Class 1-A, as your teacher said my name is Y/N L/N but you can call me Y/N. I am here to talk to you regarding the recent event you have been through and how I can try help you cope and understand how you are feeling regarding it or anything else for that matter" you explain "does anyone have any questions?"

You look as the class go quiet as a few glance around the room and some look at their desk before a boy named Bakugou puts up his hand lazily.

"How are you even supposed to help? You don't know how many of these extra's are feeling." He states.

"Well then. 1. I have a degree in psychology 2. My quirk helps and 3. Bakugou I'm booking you in for a time now" you say.


"Bakugou that is no way to talk to someone who is trying to help" a boy named Iida states doing some hand chopping motions.

"Yeah that's not manly to shout at a woman bro" the red head named Kirishima says.

"Thank you boys but it's fine. Denial is part of it all so it doesn't bother me. Now Bakugou I will be seeing you tomorrow at 2pm, I will let Mr Aizawa know" you tell him earning a grumble response and him crossing his arms "yes Midoriya, what do you want to know?"

"Umm what is your quirk?" He asks getting ready to write in his notebook.

You explain it and everyone looks at you impressed or surprised while Midoriya writes in his notebook. You answer some more questions and explain about group therapy which a majority of the class was interested in.  Suddenly the bell signals noting the end of day and as soon as the door opens you notice a bunch of students outside the door. You stay out of eyesight and listen into the conversation cringing at Bakugou's approach.

I seriously need to talk to him. He is going to need more than one session you think.

Suddenly you hear a voice you all but recognize very well.

"So this class 1-A, I heard you guys were impressive but you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you?" You watch as Bakugou's eyes start to go white in anger and the rest of the class freak out "I was sad to come out here and find a bunch of ego maniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course but like many others here I was forced to chose a different trek, such as life. I didn't cut it the first time around but I have another chance"

You bite your lip trying to contain your frustration at Hitoshi as he continues.

"Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. If you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you. I came with a declaration of war." Your purple haired cousin says while he and Bakugou have a stare off and the rest of the class watch nervously.

You clench your fist and step out from around the corner making Hitoshi's face contort into one saying 'oh shit I fucked up'.

"Hitoshi Shinso!" You exclaim angrily.

"Y-Y/N! W-what are you doing here?!" He stutters.

"My fucking job. Now your coming with me! Your gonna be in so much trouble with Auntie!" You say walking past and grabbing the back of his collar and dragging him down the hall.

"What the hell?!" You hear Bakugou exclaim before you exit the building with a now terrified Hitoshi.

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