Chapter 32

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You awoke the next morning to banging on a door. You groan as your hanging a bit and you open your eyes to see Shota clinging to you still not seeming phased by the banging of the door. The banging doesn't stop and you sigh as you manage to slid out of his koala grip and lazily plod your way to down the stairs to the front door swining it open to come face to face with a hanging Nemurei and a bright Hizashi.

"GOOOD MOOORRNNINGGG!" Hizashi shouts happily activating his quirk.

You and Nemurei cover your ears and groan in pain.

"Hizashi....I love you like a brother but I won't hesitate to rip out your vocal chords if you do that again" you growl making him produce a scared squeak.

"I'm sorry....anyhow what are you doing here? This is Shota's house right? Wait are those his clothes?" He says with a knowing smirk and as soon as he said those words it was like Nemurei's hangover was cured as she gripped your shoulders.

"You and Shota did the dirty tango!" She exclaims "wait are you two dating?!"

You stared at her processing what they both said then suddenly your  eyes widen while your face as you quickly shove her off you and slam the door in their face just as Shota comes downstairs.

"What's wrong?" He asks groggily.

"Their outside!" You whisper shout.

Suddenly the door bangs again making you yelp and jump away from the door.

"Y/N! Don't slam the door on our face!" You hear Nemurei shout from the other side of the door.

Shota rolls his eyes and walks to the door then opens it.

"Hey buddy!" Hizashi says happily.

"No." Shota responds with no emotion as he goes to close the door but gets stopped by the blonde and walks in with a more chipper Nemurei.

"I will go make coffee.." you grumble going to the kitchen and putting on a pot of coffee while Shota goes into the living room with the other two pros.

After making the coffee for everyone you brought it out to them then sat next to Shota.

"Sooo....why is Y/N dressed in your clothes?" Nemurei says with a sly grin.

Shota takes a sip of coffee as do you and you look down at your lap while Nemurei gasps and squeals happily.

"You two did fuck!!!" She squeals.

"Ayo! Congrats man!" Hizashi said happily.

"Whatever" Shota sighs while you stayed quiet.

You suddenly realised something and your eyes widened.

"Nem. Bathroom. Now!" You says quickly scurrying to the bathroom with Nemurei following and you shut the door when your both in.

"What's wrong Y/N? Why are you panicking?" She asked concerned.

"So in the heat of the moment I wrapped my legs around and he couldn't pull out! I'm not on the pill nem!" You say panicked.

"Oh that's fine! I have morning after pills in my bag. I wasn't sure how last night was going to go so I packed some in my bag Incase. I will grab it and give it to you without them knowing" she says with a comforting smile.

"Your a lifesaver! Thanks nem" you say with a smile back.

"Don't mention it" she giggled as you both exited the bathroom and went back to the living room where the boys looked at you both confused.

"What was that about?" Hizashi asks while Shota looks at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing just had to ask her a personal question. Just woman things. Anyhow I'm going to get a glass of water" you say brushing Hizashi off as you go to the kitchen.

"Oh I could go for one too!" Nemurei says as she follows you and once in the kitchen she hands you the pill after you fill a glass with water and take it.

"Thank you....I should really think about going on it" you say lowly so the boys don't hear.

"That sounds like a good idea. I'm sure recovery girl can sort it out for you. That's who I go to. I'm on the pill but I always take a morning after just Incase. Can't be too safe" Nemurei says with a smirk.

"True, I'm gonna be honest last night wasn't planned. Me and Shota are trying this being together out but we were going slow and didn't want to jump into this...but I guess that is out the window" you say with a sigh.

"I knew it!" She exclaims with a laugh and you quickly cover her mouth with your hand.

"Shhh be quiet" you hissed quietly.

"Sorry" she says from behind your hand with a giggle making you sigh and remove your hand.

Before more could be said Hizashi and Shota walked into the kitchen to bring in their cup and look at you.

"Why are you two being so secretive?" Hizashi says with a sly grin.

"Can me and my sister from another mister not have girl talk without your loud ass mouth knowing about it?" Nemurei says rolling her eyes making you giggle.

"So mean..." Hizashi mumbled.

"You asked for it.." Shota says with a grumble as he washes up the cups.

"Anyhow me and Hizashi better go! Bye guys!" Nemurei says grabbing Hizashi by the collar and dragging him out before he can protest.

You and Shota looked at eachother with confused expressions then he shrugged as he carried on drying the cups while he mumbled.

"Fuck knows why I'm friends with them..."

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