Chapter 1 - Holiday

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TW: Swearing


Chapter 1

July 1, Wednesday

No one's POV

Alone, Maeva laid on her bed. Tears stained her tanned cheeks. Her straightened hair scattered messily on the bed. Even with her friends attempting to cheer her up all night, she still couldn't find it in herself to feel better.

I mean, she just got cheated on. By a guy she has known since the first grade. Yea sure, maybe they hated each other for years-- but it's a guy that turned her life around. Made her feel better about the fact that her dad was gone, saved her from her abusive boyfriend. He was there for her... but it turned out it was all fake.

So all she did was lay there, feeling completely worthless, and so replaceable. How could she not? He kissed a girl he never really talked to not long after confessing his love for her.

Who would've thought? That the sweet and nice Nathaniel Stone would do something like this.

"Good morning!" Sienna cheerily said in a sing-song voice, walking into the small room, holding a tray of french toast, strawberries and coffee, "I brought you food."

She sat down next to the sad girl, setting the food on her table, while Kathrin just awkwardly said, "Well... I have a banana." putting it next to the brunette girl; sitting down on her olive green chair.

Finally, Maeva got up, slightly fixing her messy hair-- but not bothering to wipe away the tears on her face. And somehow, seeing her friends taking care of her, that triggered something in her head. New tears overflowed and coated over the old ones.

This reminded her of all of the times Nate would take care of her-- but it was all an act, a sham.

"Hey, it's okay. We're here, we'll always be here." Sienna cooed in a soothing voice, wrapping her arms around Maeva's shoulders, letting the girls' tears drip onto her shirt.

Then, the dark haired girl looked over to Kathrin, mouthing for her to "Say something!"

"What the fuck am I meant to say?" She whispered back, as if Maeva couldn't hear them.

"Uhm.. well I can chop his dick off for you if you want me to." Kathrin managed to mutter out, getting a mother-like glare from Sienna. "You could've said anything and you said that?" Sienna then quietly hissed, Kathrin rolling her eyes.

But somehow, that caught a chuckle from the Renolds girl. "Not-- not that, but like a finger or something." And at last, they were laughing again-- just like they always would, way before any boyfriends or girlfriends.

"Now eat, a certain someone almost burnt her hand off trying to flip the french toast." Kathrin taunted, smirking at Sienna, who was-- once again-- glaring at her.

"I did not burn my hand off. I'm actually an amazing cook. All you did was find a banana!" Sienna retorted.

All Maeva did was smile, watching her friends' bicker like cats and dogs.

Sometimes that's all you need in life, family-like friends who care about you.

And just for those few minutes, it was almost as if that pain in her heart vanished-- because she had Sienna and Kathrin to help her through those times; the bandages that patched the wound Nate left her. She doesn't know what she would do if she lost them... her family.

"Oh, I gotta go." Kathrin suddenly said, checking her phone. "Where are you going?" Maeva quizzed, furrowing her eyebrows at the girl. "It's my girlfr--" Before she could even finish the word, Sienna started glaring at her again. God, sometimes Sienna could pass for Kathrin's mother.

"It's nothing, absolutely nothing." Kathrin stated, going to leave the room. "It's fine, guys. Just because Nate was a shitty boyfriend doesn't mean you two can't date people. The word 'girlfriend' doesn't trigger anything. It's just a word." Maeva explained.

"Ok then. Sienna, use your mother-powers and make her feel better. I gotta go. Goodbye." And with that, the partly pink haired girl left, leaving the two alone.

"How are you feeling?" Sienna questioned, once again looking at the brunette.

"I'm fine." She responded, faking a smile.

"Maeva. How are you really feeling?"

And just like that, the tears were back.

"I-- I just really miss him. I really loved-- I really love him, Sienna."

A broken sob escaped her throat, tightly wrapping both of her arms around the dark haired girl.

And other times, it feels like no one in the world can help you with the pain.

It's almost like not being able to breathe. She's desperately reaching out for someone to save her, but no one is grabbing her hand. Like trying to keep her head above water, but the more she tries, the deeper she drowns.

Even with all of these people surrounding her, she still feels so alone. Just her in the great big world.

It's that pain she knows all too well, a person she loved so much walking out. A person you have made so many memories with, a person that made you smile even when you didn't feel like it.

Something inside of her still hopes that last night was all a dream. That what she saw-- the photo of him kissing another girl-- that all of that was just a memory fragment from a nightmare.

But it was real, and all she can do was live with it; make it the past.

And that's what she will do.


908 words (edited)

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