Chapter 14 - Halloween Pt. 2

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TW: Swearing, mentions of rape, mentions of fighting, blood, mentions of injuries


Chapter 14

October 31, Saturday

Nathaniel's POV

I sat in my gaming chair, re-watching 'Brooklyn 99' for the millionth time just because it's an amazing show.

Jeremy was spread on my bed, scrolling through his phone-- probably on Instagram.

Everything was great, until I heard him calling out my name.

I took my headphones off, and seeing the frown on his face made this worry cloud my head. "What?" I hesitantly asked, going over to him.

He sat up, handing his phone to me. I gave him a look of confusion, taking it.

It was an Instagram story of just some random classmate. In the video, loud music played in the background. There was a bunch of people sitting in a circle, surrounding two people making out.

The girl straddled the boy's lap. Looking at the girl, I could see her luscious brunette hair, wearing a silky white dress that contrasted with her smooth, tanned skin.

It was Maeva. The Maeva that I still love and just couldn't seem to get over.

I could no longer feel the need to cry-- but instead, I felt this fury run through my veins.

I knew it was unreasonable to be angry. I mean, it's her life, and Maeva's moved on; she said so herself.

Yet still, I was mad... at her.

Why would she do this to me? Why does she continue to torture me like this?

It's like having everything you've ever wanted-- the perfect life, perfect people-- put so close to you, yet the harder you try to get it, the closer you run to it, it just seems unreachable.

Every time you feel it skim your fingertips, it just vanishes.

And the emotions were just making everything so much fucking worse. All this built up anger I've been suppressing these months just coming to the surface, my hot blood rushing to my head.

And it just doesn't seem to get any better.

Time skip

Kathrin's POV

I walked through the dark and empty streets, my hands in my pockets as music flowed through my ears (well it was rap, but same thing).

I could hear drunken laughter in the distance, which I could identify due to going to those dinners with my father. Dude can't go one day without getting embarrassingly drunk, can he?

After getting close enough, I could see that it was Sienna, Dylan and Maeva.

They kept tripping over nothing, barely able to catch themselves. And even if we weren't exactly friends anymore, I still cared about them (well not so much Dylan, we talked a good... one time). They are practically family; well more of a family than my father will ever be.

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